Betty: Have you ever heard of the ‘Sugar Man’?
Cheryl: Yeah, of course.
Betty: What?
Cheryl: As children, Mother told us tales of how Daddy was friends with this so called ‘Sugar Man.’ And if we were bad, he would sneak into our rooms at night, steal us from our beds and whisk us away, never more to be seen.

The Black Hood: You’re playing a risky game.
Betty: Yeah, but it’s my game now.
The Black Hood: Which is what, Betty?
Betty: A game that ends with me catching you. I found out who killed Jason Blossom, I found out who the Sugar Man was. You’re next, Black Hood. I’m breathing down your neck. Can you feel it? Can you feel me?
[He hangs up]

The Black Hood: Give me another name. Right now!
Betty: What?
The Black Hood: If you want to save your sister, give me another name. The name of someone guilty. Come on, Betty, one little name.
Betty: I won’t. I can’t do that.
The Black Hood: Then I’ll kill your sister...and your mother...and your father...and everyone you hold dear!
Betty: Nick St. Clair. He’s staying at the Five Seasons.
The Black Hood: I told you we were the same.

Betty: Because of what it says, Jughead! Because of what he wrote...that I inspired him. I inspired all of this.
Jughead: You think people are going to blame you for all of this?
Betty: Not people, just one person.
Jughead: Archie? For what? For writing a speech that this lunatic has twisted around and really messed with you, and messed with the town. Yeah, Archie is definitely shook but he knows who the bad guys are and you’re not one of the bad guys. You’re Betty Cooper, like “Nancy Drew” meets “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.”

Betty: These symbols look so familiar to me. It’s like I’ve seen them before and it’s driving me crazy I can’t figure out where.
Toni: Maybe if you loosened your ponytail?
[They all stare at her dumbfounded]
Toni: What? That was a joke, guys.
Kevin: Betty’s ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.
Betty: Kev, it’s fine. At this point, I’m willing to try anything.
[She lets down her hair]

Kevin: Betty, what do you want from me?
Betty: I want you to have more respect for yourself than this.
Kevin: Respect for myself?
Betty: Yes.
Kevin: Look, we’ve been friends for a long time, but you still have no idea.
Betty: Well, then tell me, Kev, please!
Kevin: You act like we’ve got the same set of options. You live in this pale pink world of milkshakes and first kisses, and “Am I going to date Archie or Jughead?”
Cheryl: Except, for when she’s Dark Betty...
Kevin: Right! Right! Right! Except for when you’re exploring your BDSM sexuality, which again you’re allowed to do. But I’m not, because why? This is what I’ve got, Betty. Me, these woods, so please don’t come here and tell me it’s disgusting. If you can’t accept what I do, whatever I do then we’re just not really friends.
[Kevin leaves]

Archie: Can we at least agree now there’s a killer on the loose?
Jughead: A terrible way...
Archie: Jughead, he murdered Ms. Grundy.
Betty: Arch, we don’t know that these three crimes are related.
Veronica: Guys, can we focus on what happens here? Midge and Moose are alive, Archie’s dad survived...the new season of ‘The Bachelorette’ starts tonight. You’re all coming over to watch.
Jughead: There’s a shooter terrorizing the town. Do you really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?!

Alice: You do know that several drug deals went down here tonight...
Betty: What?
Alice: And if you think that Hiram Lodge, Riverdale's answer to Scarface, helped Pop Tate for altruistic reasons, I have a bride to sell you.
Betty: Mom...
Alice: The Serpents have now officially crossed the tracks and have a total hold on the north side, so congratulations Betty. You are almost single-handedly responsible for giving crime a haven in Riverdale.
[Alice leaves]

Veronica: Wait, Cheryl, does that mean you're taking the Vixens back from me?
Cheryl: But really, Veronica...where they ever yours?
Betty: Cheryl, we were wondering if maybe the Vixens could help at an event to help save Pop's?
[Cheryl sighs and claps]
Cheryl: Oh, Betty. I did not emerge from the frozen depths of Sweetwater River, nor the flames of Thornhill, to allow my Vixens to sling milkshakes at some death curse diner. The answer is a double cherry on top "No."

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop’s, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.
Jughead: Unless it wasn’t just some rando? Unless it was premeditated in some way?
Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?
Jughead: According to Sheriff Keller, if you ask me. People have grudges, people have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It’s clearly conceivable this was a hit.
Betty: Okay, or the wallet is just at Pop’s? So, we’ll check it out, V.

Betty: Wow, it looks great in here.
Jughead: I cleaned it up, after Sheriff Keller thrashed it. In case my dad...
Betty: Until he gets out, I'm not giving up on him, Jug.
Jughead: I know, and that is why I love you, Betty. I love you, Betty Cooper.
Betty: Jughead Jones...I love you.
[They kiss]

Veronica: Betty, now that it's just us girls, and at the risk of us failing the Bechdel test, are you legitimately cool with Archie and me? Swear on the September issue?
Betty: And on my copy of "Forever" by Judy Blume.
[They laugh]

Lili Reinhart Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Kevin: Oh my God!
Betty: What?
Kevin: Game changer - Archie got hot! He's got abs now. Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight.