Alice: The night of the homecoming when your father and I were crowned king and queen, the fight that FP saw, I had just told your father I was pregnant. And we disagreed on how best to handle...things. And we had a really big fight, and the next day I went away.
Betty: To the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?
Alice: Yeah, and five months later your brother was born. The Sisters arranged for a quiet adoption.
Betty: God, Mom, I'm so sorry.
Alice: It's the biggest regret of my life.
Betty: I'm so sorry.
Betty: It's okay, Mom.
[They hug and sob]

Polly: Wait, do you mean about great-grandpapi Cooper being murdered by a Blossom?
Hal: Betty, you're great-grandfather wasn't just murdered by a Blossom. He WAS a Blossom. After the murder, our family severed ties with the Blossoms and their name. We took a new one: Cooper.
Betty: I'm...a Blossom?!
Alice: Polly is a Blossom? Which makes her and Jason...relatives by blood. Which is why you wanted to...
Hal: Yeah. Alice, that's why.
Alice: Oh my God, Hal! If you were willing to send our daughter away to keep her away from Jason...
Betty: How far would the Blossoms go to keep them apart?
We need to get Polly out of that house.

Betty: Put this on.
Archie: What?
Betty: Put it on.
[Archie puts on the jacket]
Archie: Betty, this is weird.
[Betty searches the jacket]
Betty: There's a hole in the pocket.
Kevin: Okay, now we're just grasping at straws.
Betty: Okay, no. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my jacket pocket, I always lose my chapstick in the lining.
Veronica: ...Or in my Monte-Blanc.
Betty: Hold on.
[She searches in the pocket and finds a USB]
Veronica: What the hell?
Kevin: Nancy Drew strikes again.

Jughead: Is that why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?!
Betty: No, I didn't know what they were doing. But yes, that is why she invited you guys.
Jughead: To think I was gonna pass moving to Toledo with my family for you. Before I went to my dad's trailer, you asked if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?!
Betty: It was! It was good enough. I tried to talk to her.
Jughead: You could've told me. You could've warned me about all this.
Betty: You were so excited, Jug. I didn't want to disappoint you.
Jughead: So instead you lied. You all lied to me.

Betty: Kevin said someone tipped off his dad. Was it you?
Alice: I was at the dance.
Betty: Answer the damn question, Mom. And don't lie. Was it you?
Alice: It was not. Though, I'm glad that you're safe and as much as I like Jughead, I am so glad that you're done with that family.
Betty: Done? I love Jughead. He's as much as my family as you are, more so right now.
Alice: You are not going anywhere, young lady.
Betty: I'm going to look for Jughead. Do not push me tonight, Mom, because I will push back.
[She leaves]

Betty: Why are you getting so upset? It's just a party, Jug.
Jughead: It's not just a party. It's the fact that you don't know, or even care, that this is the last thing I would want. You did this for you to prove something.
Betty: To prove what?
Jughead: You're a great girlfriend? I don't know. Doesn't it ever occur to you how different we are, like on a cellular DNA level? You're a straight-A student, a cheerleader. For God sakes, you're the perfect girl-next-door.
Betty: I hate that word.
Jughead: I'm the damaged, loner outsider from the wrong side of tracks. Betty, come on, who are we kidding?! We're on borrowed time.

Betty: I should've told you about Chuck, but I lied. And instead threw you this party you didn't want.
Jughead: Why did you?
Betty: Something is very...very wrong with me. Like, there's this darkness in me that's overwhelming. Sometimes I don't know where it comes from, but I think that's what makes me do things.

Betty: Mom...Archie, he talked to Polly. She's okay, Mom. She didn't choose the Blossoms over us, she's actually there to spy on them.
[Sniffles and drinks]
Alice: You know, when I went after this story, I thought in the back of my mind, "What if..what if this is finally the time she doesn't come back?"
Betty: She will, Mom! Right now, she's our woman on the inside. We're going to write this story.
Jughead: Come write with us at the Blue and Gold.
Alice: The school newspaper?!
Jughead: Yea, it's what we are, but I'm pretty sure our annual operating budget is bigger than the Register's.

Nana Blossom: The specter reads the baby's aura. It predicts the sex.
Cheryl: Nana has dementia and gypsy blood.
[Dangles the crystal]
Nana Blossom: Oh!
Polly: What? Is my baby okay?!
Nana Blossom: Babies. It's twins. One of each.
Betty: This is occultism at its most ludicrous.

Cheryl: Oh Polly, come stay with us at Thorn Hill!
Penelope: Cheryl's invitation is...genuine. Thorn Hill's gates will always be open to you. The child would want for nothing. You would want for nothing.
Alice: [Sighs] Do you think you can just waltz in here with a bed bug-infested Trojan horse, wave a blank check around, and steal my daughter?
Penelope: I didn't think you wanted her, or else, why would she be exiled like some pariah?
Alice: To keep her away from your family!
Penelope: Oh...and not because you're ashamed? Why is your own daughter not living with you?
Alice: She's not gonna step foot in that twisted, poisonous house of yours!
Cheryl: She should be so lucky.
Betty: Cheryl, that's not helping.
Penelope: She'd do a lot better there than with you.
Alice: How dare you!

Betty: Polly, everyone's worried sick. Why did you leave the home? You could've really hurt yourself.
Polly: I couldn't just stay there, waiting for someone who was never going to show. Jason and I, we had a plan to go to this farm upstate and raise the baby. It's where I still want to go, but I don't have any money. I don't have anything.
Betty: Why don't you just stay here?
Polly: Mom and Dad want me to give the baby up for adoption. They made that very clear, and that's not what I want.
Betty: Well this is their grandchild, Polly, and everyone knows your pregnant now. There's no more stigma.
Polly: You don't know what they'll do. And I won't have my baby raised in a home that doesn't want it.
Betty: Polly, give me a few days. I'll find you someplace safe here in Riverdale. Please, Polly. I cannot lose you again.

Kevin: You guys, oh my God!
Veronica: What?
Kevin: Cheryl tweeted, "#PollyCooperkilledmybrother, #nowheretohide, #sharpenyourpitchforks"
Betty: Oh no! We need to find Polly before the Blossoms do.

Lili Reinhart Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Kevin: Oh my God!
Betty: What?
Kevin: Game changer - Archie got hot! He's got abs now. Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight.