My ideal man would be Italian, dark, muscled ... juice-head guido.

Pauly D: I almost seen your cooca!
Snooki: My cooca's out!

Whiskey sex is the best. It's when a guy can't have sex for like five hours because he's so drunk. Or his penis is so drunk.

I'm so excited to get back into my house, pop some bottles and hook up with my roommates.

I remember I [masturbated] all day once and the next day I couldn't even move.

I look like a hot drunk baseball player right now and I'm lovin' it. BATTER UP, BITCHES!

Jeff is ready to do moves on me... but really I had my friggin' period. Story of my life.

I hate the ocean, it's all whale sperm. Everybody Google it, because that's why the water is salty, from the f**kin' whale sperm.

[to Sam] Your mood is good, your nails are good.

If I had to have sex with one person here, it would probably be him, because I know he's a nice guy, he's gotta be clean.

It's kinda like a disease to Snook-for-Love. It's worse than a staph infection.

[to Emilio] I feel like you f--ked me. Yes, I'm very pissed off at you. But I love you. I'm going to give you another chance.

Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi Quotes

Friggin' duck phone!


He's a really good guy. That's the kind of guy I need in my life. I think his name is Ron.
