Gather her! It’s Mistress Isabelle Brooks.

Michelle Visage

Paris. Milan. New Jersey. Luxx Noir London!

Michelle Visage

Drag is not a crime, but looking this sickening should be.


Alberta: It was you all along, Isaac! The only thing I can’t figure out is why.
Isaac: I was very bored. I thought a mystery could spice things up, so, yes, I tossed Crash’s head into the woods.

Pete: Right… orchids! Hah, my bad!
Trevor: Seriously?
Pete: What? I had a senior moment. Technically, I’m 78.

Isaac: But how did you come to be in this tree stump? Did your head dislodge from a powerful sneeze, perhaps?
Crash: No. Somebody tossed me in there!
[They all gasp]
Isaac: But who? Who would do that?!

Jay: Did he high-five me?
Sam: Uh, no. Your hand just went through Trevor’s face.
Jay: Oh, sorry, but it serves you right for trying to have sex with my sister.

That must be Archie. He’s driving me to school. I’d say he’s a true gentleman, but the truth is, Archie is a total animal. Tootles!


Betty: Dear Diary, the makeout party was, unsurprisingly, a disaster! I want Kevin to want me. I want to feel desired. I want to feel sexy. I want…
[She stares at Archie from her window
Betty: I’m not sure how much more I can take before I explode, Diary. Something has to change and soon.

Toni: How did it go with Bazooka Jones?
Veronica: Well, if you really must know, Jughead and I spent the entire night together.
[Toni stares in disbelief]
Veronica: Talking!
Toni: Holy hell! Are you making a play for that crown-wearing clown?
Veronica: Let’s just say, I’m not ruling it out.

Fangs: She’s gonna suffocate him.
Toni: But what a way to go.

Bad bitchery is as bad bitchery does.

Robin Fierce

TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll