Kevin: Archie, you’re normal.
Archie: Kevin, so are you!
Kevin: Yeah, I want to be. More than anything. I just want to be like everybody else.

There’s suspending my allowance? And making me get an after-school job? Smithers, this is child abuse! Well, if they think they can break my spirit as if I were a philly, they’re in for a rude awakening.


And if I catch wind of you even saying “hello” to that redheaded pervert. Well … you don’t want to see me frosted, young lady.


Hetty: Your killer was my son, Thomas.
Alberta: But why would he want to kill me? I didn’t even know the man.
Thorfinn: Actually, much harder to kill person you know. Sometimes not even fun.
Hetty: Well, you might not have known the man, but he knew your man. The note, the “T” stands for Thomas. My son and your bootlegger boyfriend were lovers!

Alberta: And now I’m stuck with this pain for eternity.
Hetty: Your sister didn’t kill you!
Alberta: Yeah, I don’t want to believe it either, but the facts are what they are.
Hetty: No, I am saying your sister didn’t kill you because I actually know who did. I’ve always known.

Thorfinn: Hetty, your son throw better party than you used to.
Hetty: Of course! Everyone’s in the mood to celebrate. The stock market is roaring and there’s no end in sight.
Thomas: 1929 is sure to be the greatest year yet!
[He cheers glasses with a guest]

Jay: This is the murder board!
Isaac: This is what he’s been doing all day?
Sam: So, this took 8 hours, Jay?
Jay: It took a long time to find red string. Target was closed, Michael’s was all out, and honestly, I kinda lost track of time in Yarn Barn. That place is amazing!

Betty: I was just wondering … what’s sex like?
Veronica: My goodness. And I’ve barely just had my morning java.

Veronica: Repeat after me: “I am gorgeous, powerful, sexy siren at the height of my many powers. And may God have mercy on the boys of Riverdale High.”

Mr. Fieldstone: So, what do you think? First issue, hot off the presses.
Jughead: This is so boss, Boss.

As a matter of fact, I read all kinds of books. So how about you quit sticking your nose in my business before I serve you up a knuckle sandwich?


Stephanie: So, what kinda music do you like?
Ralph: I’ve only heard music three times in my life.
Stephanie: Whatever. You’re so hot.
[They kiss]

TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll