Elliot: This Jake thing is still really bothering me.
J.D.: Elliot, you know our rules.
Elliot: Yeah, I've been thinking about that. Who wants to have a superficial friendship? I mean, God, do you remember how close we used to be? Dealing with Dr. Cox, dealing with our screwed-up families, talking about everything? I miss that.
J.D.: This is working.
Elliot: Not for me! I wanna be able to tell you that my boyfriend really freaked me out.

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J.D., Elliot Reid
Scrubs Season 5 Episode 3: "My Day at the Races"
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J.D. Quotes, Elliot Reid Quotes, Scrubs Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Elliot: Why don't you just move into my place?
J.D.: Oh, great, then we'll be two losers under one roof.

As for me, I could overcome any obstacle, as long as I had Elliot and her ridiculously strong thighs beneath me.

J.D.'s Narration