A House Divided...  - 9-1-1: Lone Star
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Owen takes Robert to the hospital when he cuts himself because of his tremor. And Robert shares that he hasn't told his daughter yet, but his wife knows, and they're making preparations. He encourages Owen to do the same if he finds out he has the gene too.

A little boy is upset about his parents giving away their stuff during a yard sale because they're getting divorced. A man talks to him, and he disappears. Carlos shows up. They find Quincy hiding in a wardrobe, but he's unconscious and may have heat stroke.

Grace talks Carlos through getting him cool and CPR. Carlos throws ice-cold lemonade from the neighbor's lemonade stand on him.

Owen goes to see TK, who is reading his grandfather's journals.

Owen tells TK about Robert's Huntington's Disease. Owen said that he put Judd in charge and will drive him back. TK puts together that they may have it too.

Tommy, Trevor, Wyatt his girlfriend, and the Ryders play family game night at the Ryders house.

Wyatt is doing well at the academy, breaking records and things like that. He has lots of houses trying to recruit him.

Tommy mentions that Judd is acting Captain and should be trying to recruit him.

They respond to a big fire at a factory, and Tommy and the EMTS head in to get a man out of the building who is stuck in a machine. They're still waiting for the other station to come.

They tell them that it's about to blow and everyone gets out. Tommy won't leavebecause she's trying to save the patient and won't leave so Judd goes back inside. She decides she wants to do a field amputation, so she cuts the person's arm off and they get out just before it explodes.

Judd talks to Tommy about her defying his order. Things get tense between them when they disagree on how things went down. Tommy leaves the conversation angry when Judd brings up Charles.

TK talks to Carlos about his uncle and the Huntington's diagnosis. Carlos promises that he'll be there for it all if it comes down to it when TK tries to give him an out.

Asha shows up at the station to talk to Tommy about the fire. She thinks it's about the amputation, but it's apparently because of her defying Judd, and she's even more angry.

When Trevor shows up for dinner they're supposed to go to meet the Ryders, she won't go because she doesn't want to have dinner with Judd after he snitched. Grace is trying to talk to Judd who also doesn't want to go.

Trevor and Grace both talk Judd and Tommy into going to dinner.

The dinner is awkward when they keep making digs at each other.

Grace and Trevor try to mediate the arguent between Tommy and Judd.

Trevor and Grace start arguing when she doesn't like how he's handling the mediator situation.

They all end up arguing with each other in the restaurant and they get asked to leave.

It spills down to the teams aas they start arguing with each other too defending their captains.

Judd tries to make amends, but Tommy tells Judd that she's switching shifts with the other shift's EMS captain until Owen gets back.

They respond to a call of someone getting running over a cyclist and she sees that it's Wyatt. He has brain swelling and broken veterae and is having spinal surgery. Tommy talks Judd through it when he shows up at the hospital.

TK freaks out when Owen calls him from California with news. He's negative for the disease and so is TK.

Owen spends time with Robert and talks. His tremors are progessing faster.

Owen gives him advice about telling his kids soon.  Robert says that he'll bring them all out for TK's wedding, and he plans to stay behind afterward because he wants Owen to help him die.

9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 16 Quotes

Judd: Let me put it this way, then. What I would like is for me to have some confidence that my goddaughters' mama is gonna make it home to them, especially since they just lost their daddy.
Tommy: You know what? You don't get to play that card with me.

Dad, I can't marry Carlos knowing that I have a death sentence hanging over my head.