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  • O'Brien brings Owen to his nephew's girlfriend's house. He tells him about his nephew Andy who called a few months ago saying he was scared and that they shouldn't look for him. Andy joined the Honor Dogs

Obrien shares that his nephew has gone missing and the authorities aren't even looking for him.

Obrien doesn't trust the Feds but wants Owen to tell him any information he knows and leave him out of things when reporting back to the government.

Carlos talks to the authorities about Iris being missing and they bring up her being Schizophrenic

Carlos is shocked to hear that TK talked to Iris and badgered badgered her about  the wedding. Carlos leaves for his shift early because he's annoyed.

Casey wants Owen to come in so they can figure out how he'll activate the device. They think he's up to something 

A woman went over a cliff and they have to rescue her. They learn at the scene when Carlos shows up that a witness claims they saw a man throw a woman over a cliff. He wants to make sure it's not Irris and is still annoyed with TK.

Carlos is angry and tries to question the man who called in the victim. The detective shows up and tells Carlos to back off. 

They get to the victim and find out that she's a sex dollThe man has a detachment disorder s they put on a show trying to revive and then kill her.

Owen meets up with the Feds and sees Andy on the board and takes him off. Casey seems to notice something is up

Grace gets a call from a woman  who has been taken and is whispering about a sleeping man in a house. It's Iris.

She's trapped with her abductor and needs help getting out.

Grace calls Carlos to tell him and she's able to figure out the vicinity Iris could be in with squatters in abandoned houses 

Carlos eventually finds her and carries her out.

They aren't finding the guy who may have held her captive

Owen suspects that Andy was the fed source 

Grier doesn't believe Iris and is thinking it has to do with her mental illness

TK opens up to Tommy about the Iris concern Carlos talks  to Iris and now she's doubting herself because everyone else is doubting her 

Owen and Obrien find ammonium nitrite at the barn  When Owen tells Casey she has him arrested for taking federal property. Casey says they raided it but found nothing.

Casey tells  Owen that Obrien was a founding member of the honor dogs and used Owen 

Carlos doesn't go home. He is going to investigate the house they found Iris in instead.

Carlos finds how the abductor escaped when he finds a crawlspace that he goes investigating 

It leads to another house. Carlos gets knocked out

9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Owen: So you're in there looking for evidence of a crime.
O'Brien: No, I'm in there looking for my nephew.

TK: You think it's my fault.
Carlos: I didn't say that.
TK: Yeah, but you're thinking it.
Carlos: You should've given her time, TK. We weren't supposed to push, remember? I know she would've come around on her own. You didn't have to go and badger her.
TK: I know. But she was fine.
Carlos: She's not fine!