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The 118 undergoes a fire drill at a 35-floor building. While evacuating, one of the businessmen has a seizure which causes a chain reaction of people to fall down the stairs. Buck, as the new fire marshall, oversees the fire drill. 

A lawyer gets some of the injured people to file a class-action suit against the city, and he tries to recruit Buck but he declines. 

Maddie gets a call from a woman who hangs up once her husband comes to the phone. She discovers that the woman has called 911 several times but never says anything. Maddie finds out where the couple lives and sits outside of their home. After hearing them argue, the man comes outside and Maddie narrowly misses running him over. 

Later, Maddie joins a gym and befriends a trainer who turns out to be the woman who called 911. 

Christopher is struggling with nightmares after the tsunami, so Eddie takes him to see a therapist. 

Two sisters argue over a family ring, and when one of the sisters tries on the ring and has a reaction to a margarita, the ring has to be cut off. 

While having dinner with Bobby and Athena, Buck learns that Bobby is the reason he's not back on the job, as Bobby doesn't feel he's ready. Later, Buck goes back to the lawyer and decides to sue the city, department, and Bobby for wrongful termination. 


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9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Buck: You guys paint? Why does the place look smaller?
Chimney: I think your head just got bigger.

Bobby: For what it's worth, I'm proud of you. I'm glad you didn't throw away your career just because you had a little setback.
Buck: I learned one thing from that tsunami; it's that I don't quit. I fight.