An Abundance of Emergencies - 9-1-1
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The 118 walks down the streets of Los Angeles, with wild animals on the loose and cars broken down among debris.

One week earlier, Maddie is shown to be struggling a bit with tiredness, and Chimney is concerned.

At the 118, the team’s phones send off a variety of alerts. Later, the 911 line goes haywire, and a woman’s GPS malfunctions, culminating in her driving into a canal.

She is rescued by Buck and Eddie, but there is a pile-up of cars whose GPS has also taken them to the dangerous turn into the water.

At dinner with Athena, Bobby, and Michael, Karen tells them that she heard it was a ransomware attack, though the GPS app claims it was just a bug in their system.

At the beginning of the trial for the rapist who attacked Athena, Jeffrey Hudson, the man fires his counsel and opts to represent himself. At the pre-trial, Hudson moves to have all evidence obtained at the storage unit suppressed.

Eddie and Chris go shopping for new suits to attend Ana’s sister’s baby’s christening, and Eddie collapses. He later is diagnosed as having a panic attack.

At LAX, the radar and radios go down. Fearing a plane is headed right for the tower, the air traffic controllers brace for impact, but the plane never hits. One of the workers has a heart attack, bringing the 118 out, and two others have emergencies as well.

Back at the courthouse, cell phones start going off, and the computer glitches mean the courtroom becomes overrun with defendants. In the ensuing chaos, Hudson gets away. Athena tracks him outside, but the streets are plagued with accidents and different malfunctions.

The 118 lends a hand at the hospital.

Athena and Ransome look into the women who have become a fan club for Hudson and search their apartments when the city goes into a blackout.

A helicopter headed to the hospital crashes on the roof.

Hudson goes to the home of his former lawyer, Lila, but he is stopped by Ransome, who arrests him. Before he can leave, Ransome’s throat is slashed by Lila.

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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Buck: What the hell is happening?
Eddie: I have no idea!

I really thought this year was going to be different.
