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The instructor of a spin class passes out, fracturing his ankle. When the 118 arrive, they discover the man is suffering from tachycardia and dehydration. They attribute it to the tummy tea he was consuming, and soon more people at the gym pass out as well, all having drank the tea.

Chimney goes to Hen’s, and he and Denny talk about Chimney’s relationship with his father. He explains that he made peace with his father and decided to move on.

At Buck’s, he explains to Eddie and Christopher that he’s got new math abilities. Eddie pulls up an article explaining that people have developed new cognitive abilities after getting struck by lightning.

As Maddie is leaving the house for work, a neighbor, Carol, stops by with muffins, welcoming her to the neighborhood. Later, Maddie tells Chimney that Carol is a little odd and pushy, and when she returns the muffin pan to her house, she discovers the woman is impersonating the real Carol who lives on their street.

Chimney talks to Bobby about “Carol,” and Bobby thinks she is casing their house.

Two young girls go to a hair salon to get their hair cut, the video being streamed by the hairdresser. But after a fire is started in a trash can, the sprinklers go off, causing various injuries, including burns to the one girl who is allergic to water.

Hen gets a call from Karen that Denny wasn’t on the bus home, and then Hen sees Denny at the hospital with a first responder, where she discovers he was with Nathaniel, and the two got into a car accident.

Hen and Karen confront Denny about his secret relationship with Nathaniel, who gets upset and holes up in his room.

Bobby and Athena go to Maddie and Chimney’s to discuss “Carol.” Athena tells them the number she gave Maddie was to a burner, and they begin to wonder what her angle was in approaching them.

Eddie takes Buck to a poker game with Chief Williams and Captain Mehta, where Buck cleans house and uses his new skill set.

Hen and Karen worry about Denny and don’t understand why Denny didn’t come to them. Later, Toni comes by to speak with Denny and tells Hen and Karen that if Denny is ready to have a relationship with Nathaniel, that’s all that should matter.

The 118 is called to a house where a woman has a vibrator stuck inside her.

Maddie invites “Carol” to her house, and she arrives with a young child. When Maddie leaves to check on Jee, “Carol” begins stealing their mail, but the police apprehend her before she can escape.

Athena informs them that the woman’s real name is Rhonda. She just got out of jail and forgoes coupons and sells them online. She was coming to collect the money people were mailing to their address.

With Nathaniel ready to accept visitors in the hospital, Hen and Karen confront him. He admits he was selfish and just wanted to know Denny better. They then agree to establish boundaries and let them have a relationship.

As Hen and Karen look on, Toni then brings Denny to visit his father in the hospital.

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9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

Hen: Nothing like plain, old water.
Bobby: Yeah. Everything old is new again.

Buck: Hey, this isn’t some kind of mob establishment, is it?
Eddie: Different kind of family.