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Coulson experiments with a prototype of Radcliffe's framework. The GPS locator on Director Mace's suit places him in Nome, Alaska. The team heads up there to find the a collection of Coulson evidence assembled by Anton Ivanov.

Ivanov demands that Radcliffe stop spending so much time in the framework, but Radcliffe claims that Aida can do all his work as his proxy.

Daisy and Coulson try to trace the origins of Ivanov's obsession with Coulson. Coulson remembers an early mission in Russia with May. 

Mace attempts to escape but is stopped by Ivanov, who wants to fight him. However, Mace's powers have faded too much for him to hold his own.

Mack reminds Fitz that he played a role in the development of Aida and the framework, both of which are now being used for nefarious purposes. 

Coulson brings Mack and Daisy to Russia and tells them that years ago he and May were sent there to retrieve an 084. In a flashback, Coulson and May banter back and forth about a previous mission where they were undercover as husband and wife. 

Ivanov taunts and tortures Mace. Ivanov asks Aida whether she disagrees with his methods, but she is evasive.

Coulson and team walk into a room full of skeletons. A phone in one of the skulls rings. It's Ivanov, who tells Coulson that all of the skeletons are men he killed. 

 Fitz tries to track the location of the framework but thanks to the power of Darkhold, it's nearly impossible. In the flashback mission, May leaves Coulson behind in the hands of Russians. 

Daisy uses clues left behind to identify the next location in Ivanov's cat and mouse chase. Fitz worries that May will be permanently altered by the framework. Aida watches as Ivanov's men beat up Mace. 

Coulson and Ivanov meet face to face. In the flashback mission, May returns to rescue Coulson from the Russians. Ivanov reveals he was one of the agents punished for allowing S.H.I.E.L.D. to escape with an important object. Coulson tells Ivanov he does not remember him or the object.

Daisy storms in to confront Ivanov. Fitz and Simmons examine Ivanov's equipment. Simmons leaves to find Aida.

Mack and Coulson rescue Mace from his attackers, but he's in bad shape. Daisy and Ivanov fight. Daisy uses her powers to make the ceiling cave in on top of him.

Aida escapes via Ivanov's submarine. May isn't in the building; she too must have been on the submarine.

Simmons points out to Fitz that there was a period of time during the mission where communications were down. They realize their LMD detection device was deactivated. Upon reactivating it they realize that Coulson, Daisy, Mack and Mace have all been replaced by LMDs. It was all part of Aida's plan.

Aida tells Ivanov's unconscious body that he still has a purpose. In the flashback, Coulson and May flirt. LMD Coulson wakes up LMD May. 

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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