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Simone's parents are opposed to an annulment for her and Jordan. Billy misses practice because he went to see a neurologist. Laura keeps getting interrupted by calls about police body-cam footage on TV. Olivia proclaims she leaked it. Laura grounds Olivia from everything but school. Simone tells Layla that she's worried about Jordan. She also urges Layla to call Olivia. Grace prompts Spencer to concentrate on Friday's game in addition to social justice. Billy's father Willy drops by his office. He demands to know what's going on with Jordan. Asher tries to set Simone's mind at ease. He didn't know about the marriage. Mo's plan is to steal Coop's future. Spencer has an idea about how he can continue Olivia's crusade. Spencer suggests taking a knee during the anthem. Billy and Chris point out that players can get suspended for kneeling. Laura's aide tells Olivia that her leaking the footage blew up Laura's prosecution of the cops involved in the shooting. Mo is trying to seduce Preach as part of her plan. Layla drops by to encourage Olivia. Laura breaks down in Billy's office and Grace barges in. Grace reassures her, saying Olivia got her passion for social justice from Laura. Before the big game, Spencer speaks in favor of forfeiting to protest police brutality. South Crenshaw, then the other team, kneel, and both teams forfeit their chance at the playoffs. Willy remembers Billy's knocking out Carter. Simone's mother is planning a "real" wedding. Billy informs Laura about his doctor testing for CTEs. His doctor chalked his memory lapses up to grief since his mother got sick around that time. Layla does Olivia's podcast for her essentially apologizing to Laura. Spencer agrees to train Jordan as long as Jordan goes to see Dr. Spears.

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All American Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Grace: What do you think?
Kia: It's colorful.

Billy: Apologize to your mother.
Olivia: I can't do that. Our lives are on the line, Dad. Kindness isn't an option anymore.