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Today on All My Children, Annie attempts to spark a flame by pole dancing with Ryan but is dismayed to realize that he still only has eyes for Kendall. Later, Aidan and Zach's arrival puts an end to the raucous fun. Angie returns with groceries for Jesse, who tries in vain to convince her that it's safer to keep her distance.

Deflated to learn that JR never showed up at the hospital, Babe assumes her ex conned her yet again. Meanwhile, the doctor Richie hired extracts bone marrow from an unconscious JR. Annie assures her coworkers they don't need to handle her with kid gloves just because her husband doesn't remember her.

Frankie returns to the intern program at Pine Valley, much to Joe's delight.

Greenlee, Aidan, Ryan, Annie, Zach and Kendall all become trapped together when Fusion's balky elevator stalls out. Colby introduces herself to Frankie during a chance encounter at the hospital. Tad brings Jesse a copy of the police report on Remy's murder. The tension simmering between Annie and Ryan threatens to boil over as they and the others wait for the building engineer to rescue them from the elevator.

Angie warns Frankie to steer clear of the investigation his father and Tad are conducting. After receiving an anonymous tip, Babe and Krystal head to a local motel.

Until tomorrow on All My Children ...

All My Children
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