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Darhk enters Felicity's loft. He chokes Donna while Felicity tries to talk to him. He's already tossed Curtis away. 

Arrow and Spartan show up just in time. Arrow's arrows are stopped before they hit Darhk. He's too powerful. The ghosts show up and a firefight ensues. After it's over Oliver fights Damien. Thea comes in with Darhk's daughter and demands Damien let Arrow go. One of the ghosts throws a flash bomb and Damien and his daughter escape. With him, the laptop holding Rubicon.

Curtis is injured and the team moves him to the Bunker.

Flashback: Reiter shoots Oliver and he and Taiana argue. Reiter is so powerful he takes down a plane. Taiana has power too. She charges Reiter.

Oliver updates Felicity on Curtis' condition. Felicity questions why Oliver didn't use the light magic, but he tells her Darhk is too powerful. But arrows will work? 

Darhk has yet to launch the nukes and Felicity can't hack into Rubicon because it's offline.

Lyla shows up and the team discusses Darhk has given up hope and doesn't really care his daughter is alive. Diggle makes a comment that he's lost hope too and Thea gets upset calling him a cynic. Oliver tells Thea, Diggle has a point. 

Felicity gets a hit on the laptop's location. The team enters HIVE's headquarters. The tracking device was taken out of the laptop. Screens come on and see that Darhk has activated all the world's ballistic missiles. Only two hours left to figure it out.

Lyla calls in the ballistic missile count: 15,434 missiles in the air. The president needs to get to safety.

Oliver and the others return to the bunker. And just because it's relevant there's another flashback where Reiter and Taiana are fighting like dogs. Reiter has the upper hand. Oliver tries to stop him, but Reiter hand forces him away and then starts sucking the life force out of Taiana. But somehow she overcomes it and reverses it...making the life force come out of him instead. Oliver ends it with a knife to his back. Taiana's eyes burn yellow.

Lance shows up at the bunker. Felicity asks him to take her mom to a safe bunker since the world's going to end. Diggle and Lyla talk to Sara who is also somewhere safe.

Lyla still thinks Diggle killed Andrew in self defense. She's worried about his lack of hope.

Oliver shows up and tells Lyla to move her team away from Darhk's basement hideaway at City Hall. Darhk is indeed there with his daughter.  Argus soldiers who up. Seriously, what do they expect to do?

They start shooting as Felicity and friends listen in on the carnage. They weren't successful, which isn't much of a surprise. Why do they keep trying to fight Darhk with bullets and arrows?

Felicity breaks down the laptops firewalls, but ghost soldiers come into the bunker shooting. Felicity hides under a table while the rest of the team fight the soldiers. Lots of action. Thea is almost done for, but Malcolm comes to her rescue. Felicity gets a kill too. AND...Flashback.

Taiana is out of control and is trying to kill Oliver. He convinces her she can fight the power. Wow. He's powerful, because she can. Her solution to ending the crazy going through her is for him to kill her.

The bunker is pretty damaged, but a TV is still on showing a newscast about the impending nuclear strike. 27 minutes left.

Felicity calls Oliver out for losing all hope. Oliver goes on about what an arrogant fool he's been thinking he could save the city from Darhk. But Felicity still has hope. But Oliver regrets coming back to Star City.

Curtis is alive! He shows up. Curtis preaches optimism. He talks about how he almost left Star City until he was inspired by Green Arrow.

It's chaos in the streets of Star City. Oliver climbs atop cab and amidst all the chaos gets the crowd to quite and gives a pep talk. He's the purveyor of hope. We will survive. Thanks Oliver. The rest of the team watch Oliver's speech on TV. Inspiration music plays in the background. How touching. Lance and Donna hear the speech on the radio as they are driving away.

And then a nuke appears. Curtis comes up with some plan to get on the roof to try to detonate the nuke. It's sure a slow moving nuke and Felicity's mojo and tech skills pushes the nuke away from destroying Star City. And just as Oliver was thinking he could be the hero. 

Felicity is on a high now that she and Curtis have been successful. Why is Malcolm helping them? Oliver comes back. He tells the gang he's going to City Hall, but he wants to go alone. It inspired everyone so much that Oliver has another flashback.

Taiana begs Oliver to kill her. Oliver contemplates it. Hugs her, then breaks her neck. Wow. But then some of the other campers arrive.

Diggles is getting ready for battle. Lyla questions Diggle's honesty. He tells her the truth about Andy. Lyla isn't upset. 

Arrow shows up at City Hall. Darhk isn't thrilled. Why is he staying down there anyway? Darhk has had enough of Arrow and powers him right through a door to the street. It's time for the final battle. Arrow has no chance.

In another part of the city the rest of the team (and Felicity?) are fighting ghost solders. Malcolm is there too. They are trying to find the laptop. Once again, slow moving missiles. How long do they take to land?

As Darhk continues to beat up Arrow, a crowd of people show up throwing things at Darhk yelling at him to get out. They're trying to take back their city. Darhk finds it amusing. He performs a power move on them and shuts them up.

Arrow challenges Darhk while the people get up. He shoots an arrow at Dark and it actually hits him. Darhk's magic is mysteriously faltering and Oliver is pulling his light magic forth (with the help of the crowd). Darhk reminds Arrow he was with the League of Assasins and get down to business with hand-to-hand combat.

The crowd looks on and cheers as the two go at it.

Felicity and Curtis finds Cooper working at the computer. He's seriously injured. Felicity shoos everyone away so she can talk to him alone. Cooper says he can't stop Rubicon or Darhk will know and will kill him if he stops. Felicity tries to encourage him to save the world. Calls on the love they used to have. And guess what, Cooper does it all for Felicity. Wow. She's powerful. Cooper gets up to hug Felicity, but Darhk knows he didn't follow through. Goodbye Cooper.

Felicity sits down and starts working on killing Rubicon. Lyla and Diggle show up to assist Oliver. Darhk's soldiers show up and the two sides go at it. Arrow and team along with the crowd versus Darhk and friends. Sort of similar to the final street battle in The Dark Knight Rises.

Felicity's fingers move fast as the rest of the team show up to help her. The street battle continues. Darhk takes Arrows arrow and shoots him in the chest. Lance shows up. to help. Fighting and more fighting and Arrow comes back to confront Darhk. Yep. 

Darhk knows it's Oliver. He taunts him that he won't do what's necessary and Oliver surprises. He sticks an arrow in Darhk's heart. Darhk dies rather unceremoniously.

Back at the bunker, Lance tells everyone he and Donna are leaving. He's been fired. I guess the nuke's have been disarmed. Thea is questioning her choices and she decides she's leaving Team Arrow too. Felicity tries to make a joke and fails. She's a little too giddy for the situation.

She leaves Diggle and Oliver alone. Diggle tells Oliver about telling Lyla the truth. And now Diggle's made a decision. He's going to take some time away from Team Arrow too. Wow. 

And as he's contemplating it all alone as Diggle leaves, he has another flashback. He explains to the campers about the idol, trying to convince them not to kill him. He tells them about another way off the island. As he finishes burying Taiana, when Amanda shows up. She tells him the lesson that sometimes killing is the only path to justice. They box up the idol and off it goes.

He's gives him a trunk of his stuff and offers him a job to fight evil around the globe. But he declines because he has a promise to keep.

Now Oliver is at Laurel's grave apologizing for killing Darhk. Felicity shows up. She analyzes the situation. Tells Oliver he's at war with two sides of himself when he gets a call from Thomas Kemp, chair of the City Council. He's impressed by the speech on the car and wants to talk him. Oliver is at City Hall. He's the new mayor of Star City.

The final montage shows everyone ready to turn over a new leaf. Oliver ends up back at the bunker admiring Team Arrow's vigilante suits. Felicity shows up and assures Oliver she's not going anywhere.

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Arrow Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

Felicity: Well his daughter still lives in this world. He must know that.
Oliver: He knows. He just doesn't care. He's lost all hope.
Diggle: Yeah, just like all of us.

I'm now powered by the deaths of tens of thousands of souls. There's nothing you can do to stop me.

Damien Darhk