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A montage is played of Ash as he reminisces about the good times he has had with the Delta.

The punks who stole Ash's car are seen getting high inside. With them, are Sheriff Thomas' daughter Lacy and their friend Marcus.

Lacy, Marcus and Blake leave and go to the bleachers on the nearby field, while the other couple, Tyler and Amber, remain in the Delta. While making out,  Amber finds the Necronimicon in the floor of the car. She opens it an reads an incantation which promptly summons Deadites that possess both Amber and the Delta. She then proceeds to bite off Tyler's penis as he screams in agony.

At Ash's house, Ruby attempts to band everyone together to go look for the car. Ash tells Ruby that she spent her entire life looking for the book but never found it. While Ash on the other hand can never seem to get far enough away from it.

Ash comes up with a plan and goes to visit his old friend Chet at the local bar.

Ash convinces Kelly to drink one of Chet's concoctions which contains Ketamine, which is used for anesthesia. Kelly takes a sip and immediately trips out. Ash then gets Chet to throw a party in order to lure the boys that stole the car.

Back at the Delta, the trio return to find the car empty with the exception of blood soaked seats. They find Tyler and are immediately attacked and Delta, trapping Lacy inside and killing Marcus. The possessed Delta eventually kills Tyler by driving over his face and burning his flesh off.

At the party, Ash's father Brock shows up with a couple of his friends and Ash tries to get his father to leave. Brock tells Ash that he goes there every week and will not be bossed around by his son.

Ash starts a drinking game with a group of teens at the bar to try and get some info on his car that fails miserably. Suddenly, Amber enters the bar and begins swooning.

Pablo confides in Kelly that he hasn't slept due to his visions getting worse. Chet overhears Pablo's conversation and puts in his terrible two cents from his awful experiences while in the military.

Kelly convinces Palbo to stop feeling sorry for himself and step up and fight. Brock hits on Ruby but is turned away.

Ash offers to settle their differences on a mechanical bull riding competition. Ash manages to last 15 seconds, but Brock jumps on and shows his son up by lasting 21 seconds.

Afterwards Ash and Brock exchange words with each other and Brock tells Ash that he blames him for his sister Cheryl's death. Brock doesn't believe in the Deadites and thinks Ash killed everyone. Ash retorts that he left in the first place because Brock was not a good father or husband, which iresulted in Ash's mother leaving Brock.

Amber then walks off with Brock just as Ash and Pablo realize she is a Deadite.

Outside the bar, Ruby convinces Kelly to leave Ash and Pablo behind and go with her to fight her spawn.

Instead of going to save his father, Ash heads to the bar for some shots.

With the Delta still possessed, tracks down and kills Blake before speeding off.

Pablo knocks a drink out of Ash's hand and convinces him to go and help his father.

In the bathroom, Amber turns into her Deadite form. She is about to attack Brock, before being saved by Ash who shoves her head in t

Brock has a change of heart about his son, now that he believes Ash. Outside the bar, after Brock finally tells his son that he is proud of him, he is run over by the possessed Delta and killed.



Ash vs Evil Dead
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Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Pablo: Look at him. Man, that care has been with him through thick and thin, war and peace. I mean look at him.
Kelly: I mean, it didn't even have a CD player.
Pablo: True that.

You're the one that grew up your entire life looking for that book and you never found it. Me on the other hand, can't fart without tripping over that thing, and I fart a lot!
