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Norman wakes up to flowers on his bedside, music playing in the living room and Juno jumping on his chest. Life is wonderful, even with a bathroom full of women's drying pantyhose.

Breakfast is cooking in the kitchen and Mother is wearing an apron with a giant green bow. He starts the conversation with news of the new shower curtains. Perhaps they should paint. Oh, how she wishes she could go to the village with him and walk. At least it's paradise, and it's what they signed on for. Too bad she can't go for a walk.

She'd give up a million villages to be with him forever, anyway.

The kitchen, of course, doesn't look anything like his imagination, overflowing with dirty kitchenware. 

Romero has a photo of him and Norma on his jail cell wall. In the yard, he's punching the bag and getting fit.

The Bates Motel manager heads to Village Hardware to get paint. It looks like a place out of The Waltons, and there is even a girl working there wearing a dress Cora Mae could have created herself.

When Norman goes to pay for the items, he realizes he has a wallet he meant to put in the lost and found at the motel. He leaves, asking the young lady to hold onto his items. 

Norman goes home to check with Mother. He just doesn't remember checking this person in. She rolls her eyes. He wonders if she's ever had the same nightmare over and over. Nope. But put that wallet in the safe in case someone comes looking for it.

Dylan's calling is beer. He's married to Emma and they have a baby. It's her birthday party, and Caleb appears just in time. He cannot believe when he sees the baby in Dylan's arms. The smile on his face lights up the room, and he asks to hold her. 

He was looking at pictures on Emma's facebook page and had to come. Norma Louise must be over the moon over her. Dylan admits he doesn't talk to his mom anymore.

Norman is looking through the motel register hoping to find a name to go with the wallet. He finds a receipt in the safe and checks it against his notebook. Blackout.

Romero's parole was denied. He tells someone it's not surprising. He's a crooked cop.

Norman discovers the charge on his credit card was for luminol. He doesn't even know what that is.

When someone comes in to rent a room for a couple hours, Norman says they aren't that kind of establishment. He asks for a full night and says his name is David Davidson, paying in cash.

Norman watches from the window as the fellow escorts a woman under an umbrella into the room, and Norman retreats to the next room to peep through a hole in the wall at his new guests.

The hole on his side is the size of a dinner plate. On their side, it's smaller and covered with a needlepoint wall hanging. Norman masturbates as he watches.

In his mind, she has a beautiful meal prepared. It's a roast with all the trimmings. He asks her about the luminol. She thinks it sounds like a cleaning product and compliments him on the paint swatches.

He gives Madeline the credit. Mother is jealous and angry that he's trying to make her job more difficult than it should be.

Dylan thinks Caleb wants to move to Seattle to be close to them. Dylan admits to Emma it was Caleb who helped him secure the money for her operation. He feels like he has to give him a chance. 

When Norman gets to the motel office, the safe is open. He blames Mother.

Madeline drops by with sample cans of paint. When he walks her to her truck, he sees Mother watching from the house.

Emma talks with Caleb, thanking him for giving her a second chance at life, but tells him he has to leave because of the position it puts Dylan in to lie to his own little girl. Caleb is crushed but appears to understand.

Mother suggests that driving isn't the best idea, which means he'll probably have a blackout. 

When Norman won't listen, she drags him by the ear into the basement, showing him the body of the man she killed the night he bought the shower curtains. Those are the lengths she will go to for him. 

He wonders what's wrong with them, but she doesn't have an answer. All she knows is they will die without each other.

They take the body out to the lake. Why was the guy trying to kill Norman? Well, the phone rings just in time for them to find out. It's Romero calling.

Bates Motel
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Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Norman: Oh mother, what is wrong with you?
Mother: What is wrong with me? Oh. Let me see. Ahhhh. Well, for starters, I am dead. And why am I pretending to be dead? So I can get away from everyone and anyone who can distract me from YOU, OK?
Norman: I know that, and I appreciate it.
Mother: You appreciate it? You appreciate it like I baked you a coffee cake or something? I spend 24/7 in this house lookin' after you, feeding you, bolstering your moods, doing your laundry. I can't leave. I'm going nuts here. I literally gave up my life to protect you. To give you a life without trouble. And we're doin' it, right? We're doin' it. I mean, a mentally ill boy and a dead woman. We're actually doin' it. We have customers, we have a life.
Norman: I know, and I appreciate it.

What dream am I in Mother?
