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In the aftermath of Rand driving a truck into the motel, Angela is killed. This prompts Sheriff Wagy to inform Horst that he can no longer protect him.

Cassie and Mark discover Ronald was at Mary’s house and was watching them. Later, Ronald convinces Scarlet and Phoebe to go camping in the truck he’s purchased so that he can dump Mary’s body in the woods.

Denise finds Cole Danver’s mother, and Jenny goes to see her. She tells Jenny that Cole saw something he knew was wrong, and then he disappeared.

The man in Mary’s freezer is identified as Steve, a man killed with an icepick to the head.

Cheyenne tells Margaret that John Wayne killed Blake just before his funeral.

Jenny and Cassie visit Rosie’s father, Gil, who tells them that Rand killed Cole Danvers. He also tells them that Horst and Wagy brokered a deal for waste to be dumped on the ranch.

Lindor and Jerrie find Scarlet’s home and find out from her neighbor that Ronald is her boyfriend.

Gil takes Jenny and Cassie to the farm where the barrels of waste is, and they take pictures and get a soil sample. But before they can get off the property, Sheriff Wagy spots them and tells Horst.

Ronald leaves the girls in the middle of the night to bury Mary’s body and is caught by Phoebe.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Mark: We'll get him.
Cassie: Yeah. Is this another one of your manifestations?
Mark: No. He'll slip up.
Cassie: Please stop saying that. Slipping up means somebody else dies.

Horst: I am putting my boy in the ground tomorrow. You need to give me some time to figure this out.
Sheriff Wagy: Ain't nothing to figure out, Horst. This is where I get off. I can't protect ya.