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Dietrich lets Jenny and Cassie go. And later, Jenny visits Travis, and he tells her that they need to cool off. But, unbeknownst to them, Smiley watches their interaction.

After seeing that Max has the same keychain found at the scene of Harvey’s murder, Cassie confronts Max, who denies knowing anything.

Max’s mom tells T-Lock what Max told her about the drugs and accident. He offers to take the drugs to the police for her.

Ren and Donno kidnap Travis and ask him about the missing drugs and money. They torture him hoping that it will get to Dietrich, but he tells them if they want Dietrich to go after Smiley.

Instead of going to the police, T-Lock meets with Smiley and asks him to sell the drugs with him.

Mark travels to Wolf’s ranch, where he makes up a story at first before Wolf calls him out for lying. Agatha locks Ronald and Scarlet away.

Ren and Donno go to Smiley’s, and Ren ends up killing him.

Jenny finds Travis but has to hide when Dietrich bursts in and drags him away.

Jenny visits Harper’s restaurant and gets a cup of coffee to go from her to get her DNA.

Harper sees the creepy van outside her job, and she finds the creeper bleeding out inside.

Mark leaves the ranch but then changes his mind and goes back to investigate.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Cassie: I could use you. I'm gonna get something from my office, and we can get lunch.
Mark: Sure. I liked to grab lunch. And be used.

Harper: Thank you.
Van Creeper: They're not going to stop looking for you.
Harper: I know.