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Mark continues to search the ranch and is confronted by Wolf inside a barn. Holding Wolf at gunpoint, Mark forces him to show him the room Ronald and Scarlet were in, but it's empty. As Wolf escorts Mark off the property, Ronald attempts to scream, and Agatha triggers the collar.

Later, Ronald tries to fight back against Wolf but is again stopped by the collar.

Worried about Travis, Jenny and Cassie break into the bar he and Dietrich frequent and find a box with Smiley's severed hand inside.

Tonya helps Donno with cleaning up Smiley's body. Later, T-Lock arrives at Smiley's and hides once Dietrich and Travis arrive. T-Lock is able to escape, and he makes it home before being confronted by Dietrich and Travis.

Harper brings Creary, the creeper, to Madison's house, as he requires medical attention. Madison goes to a fellow teen with a collection of doomsday supplies and grabs them, but her parents arrive back home while she's gone. They eventually get him bandaged up and stable.

Cassie checks out a local ranch her father is interested in purchasing, and Tonya shows up to look at the property after pitching Ren the idea of her buying property.

Dietrich meets with Jenny at the bar and learns about Smiley's death. He gives Jenny Ren's name, and he and Poppernak visit her and find out Tonya is now working for him.

After finding out Phoebe is not on the ranch like Wolf and Agatha said, Scarlet helps break Ronald free once Wolf leaves the ranch.

Ren's brother and his enforcer come to Montana looking for her.

Travis takes T-Lock out to a cellar out in the middle of nowhere.

Mark and Cassie share a kiss.

A free Ronald makes his way down a deserted highway.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Cassie: I'd say that's a message.
Jenny: From Dietrich or the cartel?

Cassie: How good are you at picking locks?
Jenny: I got a crowbar in the car.
Cassie: Even better.