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Madison leads Harvey out into the woods, telling him she will give him the bags he’s after. Harper follows after them while Max helps Bridger escape.

They narrowly avoid Ren, who calls Donno and asks for his assistance, halting his shootout with Jenny and Cassie.

When confronted by all the kids, Harvey holds them at gunpoint but is attacked by the man in the van who eventually kills him.

Later, Jenny wants to work the case and determine if Harvey was connected to the cartel, but Tubb tells her to stand down. She attempts to get information out of Travis, but he tells her she needs to back off.

Tonya approaches Ren about working for her.

Jerrie gets a visit from her estranged father, who tells her that her mother is dying and would like to see her. Jerrie wrestles with the decision but ultimately decides to leave town and see her.

Max confides in her mother about what’s been going on with her.

Ronald once again approaches Scarlet about leaving Wolf, but she tells him no. Later, Wolf explains to Agatha that his ultimate goal is to get Ronald to confess so he can clear the Legarski name.

While out at a bar, Jenny and Cassie see Dietrich and spy on him in the parking lot. They’re approached by his henchman Smiley, and eventually, Travis, who holds the ladies at gunpoint and tells Dietrich they’re cops.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Drop the bag! Or you die!

Harvey [to Harper]

Max: What happens when we bump into that woman in the woods?
Bridger: We just hope we can run faster than she does!