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Harper goes to confront the man in the van outside her house but runs away after spraying mace at the window.

Cassie and Jerrie confront Ren at the construction site but find no trace of Tonya, whom Donno has knocked out and moved to an underground location.

Wolf places a choke collar on Ronald’s neck that he tightens every time Ronald steps out of line. Wolf tells him that he wants Ronald to be born again.

Jenny asks Travis for help in finding Tonya, and he tells her that he will ask Dietrich, the man in town who runs things.

Harvey kidnaps Bridger and takes him to a cabin where he forces him to tell him who has the drugs and money.

Mark and Jerrie follow a lead from the tip line, saying they saw a man fitting Ronald’s description outside a cabin. They don’t find Ronald there, but Jerrie kisses Mark.

Travis and Dietrich meet with Ren and Donno. They realize Big Sam screwed them both over, but they can’t agree on what to do next.

Bridger tells Harvey that Madison has what he’s looking for, and Harvey reaches out to set up an exchange with the girls agree too.

Tonya shows up at the office and tells Jenny and Cassie that Harvey took her. Against Tubb’s wishes, Jenny and Cassie go to Harvey’s. Meanwhile, the girls are at Harvey’s cabin, and Ren shows up as well.

While driving there, Donno shoots at Jenny and Cassie, and they crash off the road.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

We're not here for games and giggles. I am trying to help you.

Wolf [to Ronald]

Ronald: What the hell is this?
Wolf: It's an aversive. A special choke collar. Step out of line, and it tightens. I put it on while you were asleep.
Ronald: Take it off.
Wolf: Only you can take it off. Uh, not physically, of course. But based on the pyramid of trust you build.