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Ren and Donno take Tonya to a construction trailer, and Ren finds out about her hiring Cassie.

Tubb tells Cassie and Jenny that they have to talk to the state first about their case against Big Sam before investigating Tonya's disappearance. They meet with Travis, who tells them that Sam was connected to a cartel.

Later, after gathering information from an informant, Travis tells Jenny that the cartel sent a cleaner to town.

Donno takes Tonya outside to pee, and she stabs him in the leg with a stick before making a run for it.

Cassie and Jenny investigate two dead bodies that washed up, and it's revealed to be Sam and Ringo. Ren and Bridger are both in the crowd watching.

Ronald attempts to build a hole under a fence to escape Wolf, but he catches him and knocks him out.

Tonya makes it to a café, where she calls Cassie for help. Donno arrives and kills a man at the café before bringing Tonya back to the trailer before Cassie, Jerrie, and Jenny arrive.

Max and Harper move the drugs from Max's shed, and Harper notices a man in a van outside her house.

Harvey learns Bridger's name from the day he came into the station to report a crime.

Cassie and Jerrie show up outside Ren, Donno, and Tonya's trailer.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Cassie: Is Mr. Undercover good under the covers?
Jenny: I don't know what you're talking about.

Tubb: How this started out as a simple car accident, now you two are back together again. Last time that happened, I ended up getting shot.
Jenny: You don't need to remind me.
Tubb: Oh, I thought I might.