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Liberty brings TAC the case of parents who are suing their son’s teacher for inflicting harm on a minor. The teacher, Susan Bryant, is 24 years old and their son, Jordan, is 17. Susan lost her job and her teaching license but was never charged with anything. 

Jordan is furious that his parents are suing Susan. Jordan moves in with Susan and quits school. Susan will home school him so he will get his high school diploma, but Jordan is giving up his football scholarship to college and Susan is encouraging him to go to art school. 

Cable realizes that Susan is about three months pregnant. If the baby is Jordan’s that means they had sex when he was only 16, which constitutes statutory rape. When Liberty confronts Susan on the stand with this information, Susan admits that the baby is Jeffrey’s, her husband, who wants her back.

Jordan takes the stand and says he plans to skip college, get a job and support Susan and the baby. He wants to raise the baby as his own. Jeffrey is furious and tells Susan he will sue her for full custody of their child. 

Susan and Jordan try to leave the state, but Bull follows. He psychoanalyzes Susan and convinces her to go into therapy for the sake of her and her child. She breaks up with Susan who makes up with his parents, who drop the case. 

Chunk admits to Bull that he didn’t quit football just before the draft because he was afraid to come out as gay, but because he wanted a new challenge. Danny worries that she’s dating her much younger boyfriend, Gabe, for the wrong reasons until Bull allays her fears. 

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Bull Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

She's an adult. She doesn't get to have sex with her high school students.


Bull: We're going to win this case and we're going to win it the right way.
Chunk: What does that mean exactly?