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Abigael works to convince Harry and Macy that the Assassin is a common enemy. She reveals that she is the Overlord, and only pretended to be a man. 

Meanwhile, Maggie tries to help Jordan find a way to save his boxing gym. She convinces him to allow her to help him get a grant to help fund the gym. When she touches his hand, she hears him say, "I love you", convicing her that she is getting her powers back. Mel warns Maggie not to fall for Jordan. 

Macy and Mel take Abigael with them on a journey to find the Assasin, and run into a people-eating monster called a Kyon. Meanwhile, Abigael esccapes. We find out that Abigail is the daughter of Alastar, making her the sister of Hunter and Parker.

Back home, Maggie and Harry get closer to cracking the code in the Book of Elders. Harry follows the clue, which leads his to an asylum where he meets Helen. She tries to attack him when he brings up the Elders. She then heals the scar on his face, revealing that she is a whitelighter.

Harry also meets Helen's supposed sister, who is also locked up in the asylum. Harry discovers that Helen has somehow been split into two by the whitelighter, and doesn't actually have a sister. The sister is her darklighter. 

Back home, Maggie gets to know more about Jordan as she helps him apply for the grant. She also meets Jordan's girlfriend, who is a law school classmate. She learns that she is not actually getting her powers back, but she now has a new power. She can see the future. 

Mel drinks a potion allowing her to connect to the Kyon queen. Maggie, Macy, and Abigael follow Mel to the Kyon queen and find a collection of magical creatures locked up in tanks. Macy sets the creatures free. The troupe escapes at the last minute, but the darklighter version of Harry captures Macy. 

Maggie apologizes to Jordan for missing his pitch meeting. He coldly forgives her, but tells her the pitch was a success anyway. 




Charmed (2018)
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