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As Sarah gets ready to return to work, she's transferred to another doctor's service. She's not impressed with Dr. Chapman's approach, and pleads with Dr. Charles to take her back. After his experiences with an addict and her baby in the ED, he agrees.

A woman is brought in after being found on the street after giving birth. She's crazed and combative from drug withdrawal. Nat takes care of the baby, who is also soon showing signs of withdrawal. She suggests contact with the mother as a way to lower the baby's cortisol levels and stabilize him, but Daniel is reluctant to suggest it to the woman as it may disrupt her own recovery. Choi is generally unsympathetic to the mother and thinks that Daniel's attempts to get her into recovery are a waste of time. In the end, the baby becomes poorly enough that Daniel  consents to ask her to hold the baby, but when child services takes the baby away, it's exactly as he feared. Leann had become attached to the baby, and then so discouraged by the DCFS intervention that she leaves the hospital without further treatment. The experience prompts Choi to reveal to April that he has a troubled younger sister that he's given up on. He seems to be reassessing that decision. 

Will's been sneaking out at night so that Owen (a two year old) isn't aware of the relationship, but Nat finally decides that enough is enough and tells him to stay the night.

Bert's girlfriend Layla is brought in and asks for DNR. She asks Sharon to look after Bert, then rescinds the DNR when he is distraught about losing her. When he watches her struggle and realizes she's only accepting help for him, he tells her it's okay and they refuse any more measures. Sharon calls her kids to keep an eye on her ex.

Barry won't leave Maggie alone. After a long day in the ED, she seems to be wavering over the possibility that he's changed. 

Connor starts the day determined to head to Minneapolis and plead his case to Robin. But after spending the day at a buildling collapse with Ava and a man whose leg they end up having to amputate, he changes his mind and is determined to move on. Apparently "moving on" means impulsively buying a $125000 car. 

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Chicago Med Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Connor: Can you cover for me tomorrow?
Ava: Sure. Are you getting sick?
Connor: No, I'm headed to Minneapolis.
Ava: That sounds even worse.

Ethan: Dinner tonight?
April: Can't. Going to watch Noah's hockey game. I know that stuff's not a big deal to you, but it's important to me.
Ethan: "That stuff?" You mean adult rec league sports?
April: I mean family.