On Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12, Choi deals with his estranged father's health crisis while Stevie and Will try to save an anti-vax patient's life.


Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12 revolves around difficult patients, one of whom happens to be related to Choi.

Charles meets Choi at the gym to check on him and invites him to have breakfast, but Choi gets a call from his dad. Actually, it's his dad's nurse, Felicia, who Choi didn't know existed. His dad was hard to wake this morning and she thinks he had a stroke.

Charles insists on taking Choi to see his dad since Choi isn't supposed to drive yet. Choi learns that his dad has been sick for a while and is on anticonvulsants, but his dad won't tell him why and sneers at Choi needing a cane. Choi and Charles prepare to leave, but Choi's dad collapses, and Choi soon learns that his dad has an inoperable brain tumor that could have been removed if he'd consented to surgery months ago.

Meanwhile, Stevie and Will deal with a pregnant patient who is firmly against the COVID vaccine and won't consent to a blood transfusion unless they can assure her it will be from an unvaccinated person. She doesn't care if she dies as long as she doesn't have what she considers poison in her body.

Finally, Blake has to turn down an older woman for transplant because she has an infection in her foot, which causes her son to seek revenge.

To find out what happens, watch Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12 online.

Episode Details

On Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12, Choi returns while the hospital deals with a health crisis affecting Blake's transplant team mid-procedure.

Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (34 Votes)
Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

Lisa: I'm not seeing an OB.
Jonah: Tell them why.
Lisa: Stop it, Jonah!
Jonah: Fine, I will. Lisa stopped seeing her OB because she had the audacity to suggest that my wife take a vaccine.
Lisa: It's my decision! And I don't appreciate you trying to recruit more soldiers to your cause.

No, I don't want to talk to my husband directly. That's why I hired a lawyer.
