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Ethan is swimming in an indoor pool. He seems exhausted and out of breath as he lifts himself.

Charles finds him at the gym. He meant to call. He heard the surgery was a success. Does Ethan want to grab breakfast? Ethan does but has to take a call from his dad first.  It's a very short call. Ethan says it's the in home nurse. Ethan didn't know his dad was sick. Charles offers him a ride.

Stevie is arguing with her lawyer on the phone. She tells Will what's going on but is sure he is bored. He reminds her about the gala--does she still want to go? She does.

Stevie's patient is pregnant and has fainted recently. She doesn't want an ultrasound but Stevie insists. Lisa's husband shows up. The placenta is normal but the baby is breech. Husband says Lisa is anemic. Lisa is not seeing an OBGYN anymore. Her husband says it's because Lisa didn't want a COVID vaccine. She accuses him of wanting to recruit soldiers to his cause. Lisa doesn't want blood tests or anything but everyone insists. However she wants her husband to leave.

Blake hopes that her newest transplant goes well. The woman has diabetes and has elevated white blood cells and blood sugar. Woman can't tell if she feels worse than normal because she always feels bad. Marcel examines her. She burned her feet and didn't even feel it. Marcel says the burn is infected. Blake says they will need to get IV antibiotics.  Blake tells Marcel they can't do the surgery with this infection. The liver will have to go to someone else. The patient's son feels that's not fair. His mom has been waiting for a year and he wants to take the risk. Blake still won't do it. Chad accuses her of caring only about the liver. He insists on the surgery. Marcel says walk away or I call security. Chad leaves and Blake tells Marcel to find her a nurse.

Randall asks Sharon about her speech for the gala. He wants a copy so he can ensure she stays on message. She won't give him one. Peter interrupts. There is a problem. Jonah's lawyer has demanded Jonah have power of attorney over Lisa and her baby. Stevie is mad. Peter says unless a judge issues a stay, Lisa's personal autonomy wins. Sharon will assign a guard to Lisa to make sure Jonah stays away from her.

Tyrell and his family are here again.  Tyrell wants Scott to stay away. Carmen told him to come. The little boy isn't breathing well but Tyrell wants Scott to leave.

The nurse tells Ethan that his father was hard to wake this morning. She thought he had a stroke. He's okay now and won't see a doctor, nor does he want Ethan there. Father comes out and is annoyed that Charles is there too. The father doesn't need a doctor, or so he says. Ethan wants to examine his father. His father is rude to him.

Carmen apologizes to Scott and in her opinion, Tyrell getting arrested was his own fault. She goes before Scott can continue the conversation.

Lisa is still anemic and a problem with the baby.  The OBGYN is recommending a C-section. Lisa wants to give birth naturally even though it's dangerous. She doesn't want her husband and only wants a transfusion from someone who is unvaccinated. She doesn't care if it's dangerous to refuse a transfusion. She thinks this is all scare tactics.

Ethan complains to Charles that his father is being stubborn. Charles thinks it's important that Ethan came up anyway. The nurse calls him back. His father has collapsed. Charles calls an ambulance. Ethan's father opens his eyes.

Maggie wants to know what the deal is with Scott and Carmen. He admits he cheated on her. The look was nothing. She's with Tyrell, it's ancient history now.

Marcel sees a patient being wheeled into surgery. Blake tells him Abbot was the next name and same blood type. When was Blake going to tell him? Blake wants a different surgeon to work with her. She's angry that Marcel "fought her battle for her" by standing up to Chad.

Stevie asks Jonah if he is the same blood type as Lisa but can't tell him anything else. He also can't do a transfusion because he's vaccinated.

Lisa starts crashing and tearfully gives her consent for a C-section.

Everyone in the transplant room collapses as Marcel watches from outside.

Opening the door will be risky but Marcel is afraid everyone inside will die. One of the emergency techs collapses too and Marcel realizes it's the masks causing the problem.  He goes in and begins removing masks and taking people out.

Stevie wishes there was more she could do. Will says he would have donated blood but Lisa didn't want anyone who was vaccinated to give her a transfusion. He and Stevie are called away by the emergency. Will recognizes what's going on as opioid overdose! Marcel gives Blake Narcan and she awakens!

Maggie asks Scott what's going on. The whole transplant team has been poisoned. Anyway, Darius' breathing is getting worse and Carmen brings him back in.  Darius has pneumonia.

A doctor tells Ethan that his father has a fast-growing brain tumor. It has metastasized and it's a miracle Patrick is still alive. He had discussed surgery months ago but Patrick didn't want it and now it's too late. All they can do is keep him comfortable now.

Burgess tells Sharon and Marcel that they found a vial of drugs in the men's room. Randall doesn't want Marcel to do the transplant because it'll make the hospital look bad if it goes wrong. Sharon overrules him but Randall says they are one nurse short. Sharon informs him she used to be an OR nurse and will go b ack to it. Randall doesn't recommend it. Sharon tells him the clock is ticking.

Lisa has managed to have the baby without a transfusion. She has a healthy baby girl and now wants her husband. However Will notices something. He is hearing a slight irregularity in the baby's breathing and wants to take her to the NICU. Lisa is freaking out. Stevie says this is very common.

Ethan goes to see his dad. His dad says no one could have done anything. Ethan says he could have helped. His dad says Ethan isn't a brain surgeon. Ethan says he could have been more open. So much has gone unsaid. His dad says he gets it. His dad says he needs to put the snow tires on. He needs Ethan to do it for him right now. Ethan doesn't understand what the rush is. His dad says then why are you here? Charles tries to convince Ethan to let him go for the tires. Ethan begins to cry.

Marcel's patient needs a larger-scale transfusion during the surgery. BP is dropping and the nurse is taking too long. Sharon offers to try and gets in right away.  BP is back up.

Darius' oxygen stats are improving. He is going to call the oncologist and once Tyrell gets here get her involved. Scott leaves. Carmen goes after him. She needs him to take care of Darius. He hugs her just as Tyrell shows up and gets angry and starts shoving people around. The security guards come and Tyrell insists he's good but security insists he walk away with them. Carmen runs into Darius' room.

The pediatrician says that the baby is looking good. Jonah is surprised that Lisa wants to see him. But Lisa is crashing. She is hemmoraghing and has no pulse. They can't give her blood because of Lisa's choice to forbid it. Lisa dies.

Chad is arrested. Burgess tells Marcel that Chad put fentanyl on the masks. She will need statements. Marcel wants to check on Blake. Sharon compliments him on his work. He tells her she did a good job too.

Jonah doesn't know what to do now. He says Lisa wasn't always like this. He left for a month and when he got back she had gotten sucked into conspiracy theories and wasn't the same person anymore. He couldn't get through to her. They'd just end up fighting.

Marcel goes to see Blake. She asks him to come in. She apologizes for benching him but realizes doing it saved her life. She's pretty sure she'sn ot going to make it to the gala. Marcel is going to skip it too. Blake asks him to take her home.

Will is putting on his suit. Stevie can't go. She has to go to Detroit to finalize her divorce. She owes her ex an explanation.

Ethan can't deal with Felicia's call while at the garage. He gives the phone to Charles. Charles breaks the news that Ethan's father has died. Ethan realizes that's why his dad sent him out. He didn't want him to see him die.


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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

Lisa: I'm not seeing an OB.
Jonah: Tell them why.
Lisa: Stop it, Jonah!
Jonah: Fine, I will. Lisa stopped seeing her OB because she had the audacity to suggest that my wife take a vaccine.
Lisa: It's my decision! And I don't appreciate you trying to recruit more soldiers to your cause.

No, I don't want to talk to my husband directly. That's why I hired a lawyer.
