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Burgess is sitting in the audience watching Makayla put on an at-home production. 

The next morning, she drops her off at school and encourages her to have a good day and make friends. 

After dropping Makayla off, she responds to a call about a pregnant woman who fell off of a rooftop and onto the hood of a car. 

Burgess examines the scene and determines that the woman was still alive after she fell. She was then shot in the head execution-style. 

Intelligence learns that the woman is Sofia Perez from Guatemala. She came to the U.S. three weeks ago by a drug operating in the area. 

Initially, they believe she was a drug mule, but soon, they learn that she was brought over to give birth. 

The baby farm that the gang is operating takes women's newborn babies and sells them to an adoption agency. 

Sofia threatened to expose them, so they killed her. 

Intelligence finds another woman whose baby was stolen from her. She gives them the name of David Cardona, the right hand man of Flaco, who runs the whole operation. 

They track down Cardona, but he opens fire on Burgess. She shoots back and kills him. 

His burner phone leads them to a disgraced ob-gyn, who gives up the adoption agency working with Flaco. 

They learn that after killing Sofia, Flaco moved all the women to a new location. 

They infiltrate the location and save the women. 

Burgess realizes that her job is risky and that she needs to listen to the professionals and assign a custodian to take care of Makayla if anything were to happen to her. 

A therapist also informs Burgess that Makayla's nightmares are a result of the trauma she's seen firsthand when her mother was killed. 

Burgess calls Ruzek and informs him she's going to make him the custodian. 

Ruzek is understandably confused because the two haven't been on the best terms, but Burgess informs him that they were supposed to have a child together and she considers him family.

He agrees to take care of Makayla, and they shake on it.

Burgess gears up for bed when she sees Makayla standing in her doorway. 

She tells her to hop into bed and gives her the "trouble dolls" she found in Sofia's fanny pack, which she tells her to put under her pillow so that they take away all her worries while she sleeps. 

Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 13 Quotes

We know you use young women as couriers. Mules. See this time, this time was different. This time one of them got murdered.


Makayla knows if something happens to you, what happens to her? You’re all she’s got.
