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The kids arrive in Hackensack. Lexy has been going to NA meetings and Jake has been along with her every step of the way.

When they get back to Lexy's, Michelle is still trying to keep up appearances, saying that there will be a lot of changes.

She's glued to social media.

Glen is upset about Glenda's situation and realizes they need to both go back into the doll.

Tiffany goes out of her way to sneak into the hospital and help the process. In the aftermath, Glen/Glenda wants to be known as Gigi and will move to London.

Tiffany knows she needs a doll to leave the Jennifer Tilly body behind and notices the original bride doll on Michelle's Instagram story.

She goes there in the dead of night and is met by Chucky, who has bought the quietest ever chainsaw.

He kills Michelle and Tiffany says she won't let him harm the kids. Lexy pops up out of nowhere and kills Chucky.

Jake and Devon stab Tiffany, who says she wants to help them. Caroline appears and we learn she's been working with the others to be a bad person.

They leave.

Ms. Fairchild returns and the kids tell her about the doll and she says "I fucking knew it."

Three weeks later, Tiffany and Caroline are in New York. Nica calls and says that she's heard a lot from Gigi.

Nica says she'll give her a bit of a head start, but not much. Chucky reappears in the new doll and tries to kill Tiffany.

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Chucky Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I'm still going to kill you, but I'll give you a head start. I love what you did with your hair.


On the first day of Christmas I killed Liv Morgan on TV.
