In The White House - Chucky
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A long time has passed and everything's changed.

Devon, Lexy, and Jake are living in Hackensack with their former teacher who is determined to keep them on the straight and narrow.

Devon is focused on his podcast and has followers because of almost being killed by Chucky.

Jake is using his platform to raise awareness about the dolls and how many of them are around.

People say in the comments section they'll help him find the dolls.

Lexy is trying to get updates on what happened to her sister and says she will go to any lengths necessary.

Chucky is in the White House and causing problems for a new family.

Their power goes off in the dead of night, and the family is rushed to safety.

He then goes to a room and kills a secret service agent, and makes it look like suicide.

While all of this is going on, Grant is smoking pot that another agent gave to him.

James and his wife are trying to keep their family together but they realize that the slightest bit of media attention could scupper everything.

Grant has been going live and talking smack, which leads to some awkward chatter at the dinner table.

The teens get texts making fun of them and they realize it's from Chucky.

When he calls, he tells Jake he's somewhere none of them can get to him and he'll be in contact.

Later, they're watching the news and realize he's in the White House and vow to take him down.

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Chucky Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

He just wrote Fuck You to me.


Jake: How do we get into the white house?
Lexy: I don't know, but we will.