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It's finally here - Rebecca and Josh's wedding day!

While Rebecca is tickled pink that her dad is in town and ready to walk her down the aisle, Josh is anxious for the pomp and circumstance to be over - he just wants to move on with their lives.

Rebecca's obsession with her father and the wedding comes to a disturbing peak - one that conjures up memories that Rebecca thought were long hidden and forgotten.

Josh begins to doubt his future with Rebecca - is marriage really what he wants? Will it solve his commitment issues?

While rehearsing their father daughter dance, Rebecca's dad finally reveals his ulterior motive for being in town - he needs a loan. It's definitely not okay, but Rebecca blows past it because of her need for her father's attention and affection.

White Josh and Darryl are at am impasse - Darryl wants to get married, and learns that WhiJo doesn't believe in marriage. What will WhiteJoshFeather do? Well, if Darryl has his way, they'll adopt a baby!

Trent gives Josh an envelope that may potentially change everything. 

Will Josh and Becks make it down the aisle, or will secrets and decisions stop them?


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Robert: You look so pretty in that veil.
Rebecca: Oh, Robert.

Rebecca: Um, it's three days until out wedding! Can you believe it?
Josh: Oh, yes. So exciting. Then it will all be over with.
Rebecca: Hey!
Josh: I mean, a wedding is great, but I'm excited for our actual life together to start.
Rebecca: Aw, that's sweet – but weddings are also really important.