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Rebecca is doing her best to plan a pinterest-perfect wedding in just two weeks, but she's starting to crack, and needs help.

She can't ask Paula, because Paula is busy studying for school. She can't ask Valencia, because that would be too weird. Her mom isn't willing to help, and her dad won't even RSVP.

Luckily, Rebecca finds help from Patrick (guest star Seth Green) who assures her that everything will be just fine as he delivers boxes and boxes of stuff to her each day.

Nathaniel needs to cleanse Rebecca from his thoughts, and starts a juice cleanse that leaves him - well, empty.

It also leaves him very sick, which isn't great because today is the day that his dad finally makes an appearance at the office - when Nathaniel is wearing Darryl's old suit and napping.

Josh feels like his voice isn't being heard in the wedding planning, and seeks advice from his new friend, Sarah.

Valencia and Rebecca bury the hatchet, and Valencia decides to take over wedding planning for Rebecca - and gives her the wedding that she had planned for herself and Josh.

Nathaniel makes a grand gesture for Rebecca, and an unexpected person declares that they plan on stopping the #BunchofChans wedding.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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