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Reid is processed into prison until his trial. He is put into the general population, not in protective custody as he was supposed to have been. Officer Lionel Wilkins tells him there's been no mistake. Four young people have been attacked with acid in Philadelphia. Neela Travers, one of the victims, said a man attacked her. Other prisoners took Reid's clothing. He took them back, then Wilkins intercepted another prisoner who was about to attack Reid.  The unsub is attacking attractive people. He shouts "I will destroy it" in Latin. Garcia finds a web site where beautiful people, who look similar to the victims, are featured. Reid unwitting was tabbed for a prison group. He is surrounded by prisoners after lights out. Calvin Shaw, a former FBI agent and now a prisoner, stops them before anything happens. The latest victim doesn't fit the profile. Her boyfriend, George Cunningham, is questioned. The team is suspicious of George's friends, especially Alan Crawford, who works for a chemical company. They read his manifesto, which indicates a major attack that night. They determine he's going to attack a singles-night event. The BAU surrounds him at the bar and Walker stops him. Reid gets moved to a new cell, next to Shaw, who offers him prison wisdom.

Criminal Minds
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Criminal Minds Season 12 Episode 15 Quotes

Strong men, men who are truly role models, don't need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful." -- Michelle Obama.


Alvez: Why do you get to visit [Reid] first?
Garcia: Because I made the chart. And if anyone has a problem with that, tough nougees.