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Garcia is going back to California to testify against probation for Jesse Wilson, the drunk driver who killed her parents. Two deaths in two days in Virginia suggest bio-terrorism. The CDC officer can't determine the poison. The coroner isolates rat poison. Garcia is finding out her old neighborhood has changed. Someone is leaving tulips on her parents' grave. A phone call upsets her. The unsub poisons the punch at a business gathering, and four people die. The unsub seeks to terrorize the business community. Colette Wilson, Jessie's sister, has been placing the tulips. She asks Garcia to let her brother be paroled. The unsub's trigger was the death of his parents. Carlos wants Garcia to read the family's impact statement. Garcia keeps reflecting on the night her parents were killed. Garcia goes to San Quentin, to talk with Jesse. JJ, Simmons and Alves go through the loans and bankruptcies at the bank where one of the victims worked. The unsub is Mark Henshaw, whose parents' restaurant was foreclosed upon. They raid Henshaw's house, finding the lab in his garage. Henshaw, disguised as a server, infiltrates a new restaurant. The eatery is in the same location as Henshaw's parents' restaurant. Henshaw poisons the salad bar at this buffet. Simmons takes him down. Garcia, speaking at Jesse's parole hearing, changes her mind and argues for his release. Carlos storms off. Garcia said her parents were out that night looking for her because she had missed curfew. She blamed herself for her parents' death. Garcia goes to her parents' graves and talks to them. 

Criminal Minds
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Criminal Minds Season 13 Episode 20 Quotes

"Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."-- Buddha


Simmons: When was the last time this [refrigerator] was cleaned?
Rossi: I don't want to say anything, but one of the lunch bags has Hoover's initials on it.