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The episodes kicks off with Fallon planning her engagement party and getting concerned when he cancels on her because something "came up."

Alexis suggests spicing things up since Liam might be feeling less into it since she's no longer his girlfriend but a fiancee. 

Fallon agrees and puts on her best leather lingerie, but when Liam comes home, he arrives with company -- his baby momma and his 10-year-old son, Connor. 

After the awkwardness settles, Heidi admits that she never gave Connor up for adoption because she got attached. Instead, she raised him as a single mom. 

She assures them she's only in town because Connor wanted to get to know his father. 

Fallon tries to tell herself that this isn't going to change their relationship, but when Heidi's meeting in Savannah runs late, Liam is left to watch the kid and cancels are on their plans. 

Alexis informs Fallon that she should make friends with Connor because if a man has to choose between his bride-to-be and his kids, he'll choose his kids. 

Fallon orders all the board games in the hotel and the three of them have a fun night. 

When Heidi comes back into town, she informs Liam that she's thinking about getting a job in Atlanta so Connor could be closer to his dad, which is a nightmare for Fallon. 

At the engagement party, she introduces Heidi to a friend who has a position at his advertising agency in San Diego... far, far away from Atlanta. 

The engagement party is a disaster as Liam and Fallon fight over Connor. 

Eventually, they make up as Liam admits he doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't want kids. 

Fallon agrees that she's fine for now, and they enjoy the rest of their evening. 

That is until they head back to their room and find Connor sitting by their apartment door waiting for them with a note. 

Heidi abandoned the boy because she wanted her life back and figured the two of them could give Connor the kind of home she couldn't. 

Meanwhile, Blake asks Adam to join him in the family dynasty by getting him the dirt Jeff Colby has on CA so that he can leverage the sale. Adam agrees. 

When he hands over the evidence, he asks Blake to make him hospital co-chair in return, which Blake does. 

However, when Blake confronts Alexis and Colby, he realizes Adam played him and gave him a tape of a confession that links him to Jeff Colby's illness. 

Well played. 

Cristal sets her plans of getting revenge on Alexis into motion. Her brother arrives on the scene to plant a bomb on the car, but since there are two of the same SUVs, he puts it on the wrong one. 

Once he realizes his mistake, he tries to fix it and gets injured in the explosion while Alexis walks away scot-free. 

Dominique uses the engagement party to promote her daughter, Vanessa, and convince the reality TV show producer to pick up her show. 

When the woman tells her that there's not enough drama in her life, Dominique leaks her sex tape with Culhane. 

The woman loves the "juicy" drama and offers her a deal, but Dominique says she has to field better offers. 

Vanessa is upset, but when she hears that her mom sold the show, she agrees to work with her again. 

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Dynasty Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Oh, Okay. Well this isn't exactly what I meant when I said "spice things up," but okay, let's do it.


Heidi: Who rents a child?
Fallon: People do it, okay? It happens.