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A proposal is brewing on Dynasty as Fallon practices her big moment with Sammy. 

Sammy informs her that Liam is going to say "yes," no matter what, and she cannot wait to surprise him with a romantic dinner. 

That night, Liam is forced to cancel because he got offered a book deal and must fly to London, which ruins Fallon's plans. 

He suggests Fallon go with him, and after Sammy tells her to go and find her opportunity then, she agrees. 

On the jet, Fallon decides to propose there, but Liam begins pitching her his book. 

The black-and-white noir espionage thriller focuses on Leland, a private investigator hired by Sanders (Anders) after his peach diamond is stolen from the club. 

Leland interviews patrons of the club including Cristal, Dominique, Alexis, and Culhane, who are all in character. 

He gets a weird vibe from Blaine (Blake), Sanders' assistant. He also has a tumultuous relationship with Veronica Cabot, the singer at the lounge and his former lover. 

When Blaine is murdered, Leland realizes that Veronica got her brother, Aiden, to cover for her and pose as a woman while she made her great escape. 

Leland caught up with Veronica at the jet and found the peach diamond. She turned on him and tried to shoot him with his gun, but he took the bullets out. 

Bored and annoyed that she couldn't propose before they landed in London, Fallon tells Liam to postpone his pitch because the story sucks and was hard to follow. 

He suggests that maybe it was too complex for someone as basic as her, and the two get into an argument. 

When she arrives at the hotel, she's surprised to see Liam there. 

He informs her that he told her the wrong ending to the pitch -- Leland had the peach diamond the whole time. 

When she walks into the hotel room, it's covered with roses. Liam gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him. 

Back in Atlanta, Sammy reveals he knew Liam's plan the whole time and helped get her to London. 

Liam also knew her plan and didn't want her to beat him to the punch. 

Fallon and Sammy start planning the second re-engagement party when Liam notices someone from his past. 

He approaches Heidi, his ex from Switzerland, who points to Connor, their son, and tells him it's about time the kid got to know his father. 

Adam needs money to renew his medical license again and without his daddy's bribes, he's stuck. Colby refuses to help him pay for it, but Adam devises a plan to grab the deed to the winery from Blake's office. 

Once he's at the mansion, he stumbles upon Kirby, who he's been avoiding. They have sex in Blake's office and he realizes she may be more useful than he gave her credit. 

Kirby also chats with Fletcher, who informed Sammy that he and his husband had an open relationship. She convinced him to be honest about his feelings and not string Sammy along. 

Sammy thought he could do an open marriage relationship, but he was falling in love. 

Fletcher breaks up with Sammy. 

Dominique pitches a Kardashian-style reality TV series to a producer who is more interested in Blake and Cristal. She wants some behind-the-scenes footage of the "real Cristal," so Dominique does her best to get on Cristal's good side. 

Cristal doesn't want any of it. 

Dominique follows her and sees her meeting with a man in a hotel room. She snaps a recording and assumes Cristal is having an affair. 

The audience knows that Cristal is paying off a family friend to kill Alexis for all the pain she's caused her. 

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Dynasty Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Liam, you and I have overcome so many insane obstacles. And by insane, I mean your mother.


Kirby: That's a terrible idea.
Sammy: Oh, said the genius who slept with Adam Carrington?