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Lucious is freed from jail, but as part of his bail he is not allowed to enter the Empire building. He holds a short press conference outside the building instead. 

Hakeem goes on Sway's radio program to promote his new album and discuss Lyon Dynasty. Sway tells him he can bring his new girl group on the show to perform that week. 

Lucious invites the family over for dinner and tells them he will let bygones be bygones if Cookie dismantles Lyon Dynasty. She declines the offer. 

Lucious goes to Anika and wants her assistance in ruing Dynasty. She goes to Cookie and tells her about Lucious's plans, claiming the she wants to destroy Lucious. 

During lunch, Andre once again asks his father if he can rejoin Empire, but Lucious says no. Later, Andre tells Cookie that Rhonda is pregnant and she tells him that he should use that to get back into Empire. Andre does tell Lucious that he will be a grandfather, but the plan backfires and Lucious asks him to leave.

Lucious throws himself a party at Leviticus and has Pitbull perform a duet with Jamal. In the middle of the song, the music is cut and Cookie appears to introduce Hakeem. He then performs a scathing song about Lucious, with help from Timbaland. 

Frank Gather's daughter, Frida, comes to Empire but leaves when she can't find Lucious. Later, Lucious finds her on the streets and attempts to get her to leave with him but she runs. 

At the Sway show, Valentina is late and as they're looking for her Lucious arrives. He proclaims that he bought a large chuck of urban radio stations, meaning he will basically blackball Lyon Dynasty from getting on the radio and he has signed Valentina to Empire. 

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Empire Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Andre: So why'd Dad ask us here, Jamal? So he can kill us all together, instead of having to do it one at a time?
Cookie: Same reason why we're all here. To keep our enemies close.

Uh, Hakeem? Hooking up with the lead singer in your all female group? That is an Unsung episode waiting to happen, stupid.
