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Chloe Rogers, a pizza-delivery driver, is abducted at gunpoint. Her car is found abandoned outside the city. There's little information about Chloe to be found. Chloe was staying long term at a youth hostel. Brett Porter had followed Chloe back about a month ago. Brett knew Chloe as Tasha. She had worked for his parents before she robbed them and disappeared. DNA proves her real name is Annabelle Collier, who had been abducted at age 4 and declared dead 18 years ago. Annabelle's abduction was one of Isobel's first cases. Jubal asks her to get in touch with her old partner, Jake. Eddie Lyman, the man convicted of Annabelle's abduction and murder, was released on a technicality four months earlier. Maggie and OA arrest Lyman. But his alibi of being at work checks out. The class ring worn by the abductor was from the same high school as Lyman. Annabelle's mother Joan recognizes Jeff Whalen, who she described as a loner. Whalen disappeared in 2004. He's now using the name Jim Wilson. But he moved out of his house recently. The man who moved in says Tasha is Whalen's daughter and that she ran away from home. Whalen sees OA and Maggie tailing him and a car chase ensues. They get cut off by construction equipment. Elise finds the cabin that Whalen likely purchased. Isobel and Jake go north to oversee the search. Isobel decides to breach the cabin before Scola, Tiffany, and a second SWAT team arrive. Maggie chases and tackles Whalen. But he won't reveal where Annabelle is. The pilot was left on the gas stove and explodes. Isobel insists on going inside the burning cabin determined that Annabelle is hidden inside. Isobel finds her behind a bookcase. She reunites Joan with Annabelle. They hug. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Whatever happened, we missed it.

Isobel [to Jake]

Brett: You can't just barge in here.
OA: Actually, we can.