L - Sharon Vs Faye - Fire Country
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Bode prepares his speech for the parole board in front of Manny. He learns that Manny is considering leaving Three Rock.

Sharon and Vince are excited to have Bode come work in the firehouse. Sharon warns that it might be hard for Bode to be accepted by Cal Fire.

Eve reveals that Freddy's parole hearing was not going as they'd expected.

Gabriela meets up with Kyle, who confesses he still has feelings for her.

The other inmates are scared for their futures at Three Rock if the tests come back positive. They are considering escaping.

Station 42 responds to a fire in a winery. The fire grows, and they call in Three Rock.

Sharon and Vince learn that the fire was lit intentionally by Faye's company. Faye lets it slip out that Manny and Bode might be coming to work for her.

An injured man walks into the diner with a knife in his leg and passes out. Gabriela rushes to help her.

Eve tells Freddy that his appeal will take as long as his prison sentence.

Bode and the other inmate firefighters rush to help a family trapped inside a burning building.

Rain starts falling.

Manny turns down Faye's offer which offends her, and she breaks up with him.

Gabriela goes to see Bode and tells him that she has decided to stop waiting for things to happen. They hook up and spend the night together.

Bode returns to the camp to find Manny with his drug test results. He failed.

Fire Country
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Fire Country Season 1 Episode 21 Quotes

I put off happiness. It was always gonna be when I get my gold medal. And now it's when you get out. I would be happy when we get together.


[to Eve] Don't beat yourself up. You did everything you could. It's the system that failed. It always is.
