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Rebecca covers for Callie when Wilson raves about the memo. Wilson still calls Calie in because he doesn't think her voice was heard in it. He wants her to rewrite it. 

Rebecca gets in Callie's head about being the counter clerk. Callie contacts Jamie to talk it over with him. He tells her to write the memo in her voice and not let her competition get in her head. 

She also asks him about the situation with Malika because Malika wasn't friendly with the Thompson family, but has since grown closer and that could jeopardize Callie. Jamie advises her on that as well. 

Callie is uncomfortable when after she and Malika walk to court together, Malika sits with Mrs. Thompson. Ben notices that Callie recognized Malika during the hearing and his radar goes off. 

Wilson doesn't disallow the destruction of the phone calls, but he doesn't close the case and they're headed to trial. 

Callie and Gael hook up again, but Bryan fishes for information from Callie the next day and Davia realizes that Callie and Gael are hooking up. Gael isn't pleased that Bryan is playing games, but Bryan reminds him that he was lying about being with Callie. 

When Callie reaches out to Gael again, he has plans with Bryan instead. She sees them at the restaurant when she meets up with Jamie for dinner, and Gael is suprised to see her with someone else. 

Alex pretends that he didn't get Mariana's voicemails, but then he uses her pitches and Evan likes them according to Josh. Mariana is mad that Alex took all the credit and calls him out on it. 

Casey tells Mariana to find allies and play nice. Mariana befriends Raj, but she gets upset at him when he doesn't stand up for her after Alex attacks her again for doing too much work and giving everyone high expectations for them. 

While working late, Mariana bumps into Evan and spills coffee on him while also breaking his phone. He isn't upset with her, and he later asks Josh why Mariana hasn't pitched her idea to him yet. Josh lies and says that Mariana hasn't reached out. 

Gael meets up with his sister Jazmin. She has issues at work because everyone is transphobic, and she needs money for rent. Gael gives it to her, but that means he can't get his sculpture bronzed. He breaks it.

Malika is supposed to meet Dom and her mother, but she spends time with Mrs. Thompson instead. 

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Mariana: Hey Alex.
Alex: Hey Mary Anna
Mariana: It's Mariana.
Alex: Oh sorry.

Wilson: I appreciate you all coming back on Saturday night. It was a well-written memo. Who wrote it?
Rebecca: It was a group effort.
Wilson: Nice teamwork.