To Free Malika - Good Trouble
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Callie starts her first day on the job, and goes to see her client at the holding center. She gets a rough start. When she arrives at the window, she sees Malika.

Lindsay and Alice are still at odds and trying to call dibs for jokes while at the coterie. Sumi won't choose sides but wishes them both luck at their stand up comp. 

Davia has her performance review for teaching up, so she backs away from the unsanctioned teachers union club because of the risk it poses to her job. She hasn't talked to Dennis anymore when Gael asks her about it.

Callie starts her first day working with Kathleen.  Kathleen's other two lawyers call her an impulse buy. They go to court to pick up cases/arraignment. She sees  Malika there. They talk and she asks her why she didn't tell anyone she was in jail. Malika asks her for a favor.

Evan and  Mariana arrange a date while trying to hide their relationship. They want to celebrate the success of Mariana's activism app. Unfortunately, the team tells her that the increased usage is because white supremacists are using it.

Mariana wants to purge the biggest offenders before Evan finds out. 

BLM comes to the court to give a petition to the DA. They're prepared for a sit in at the court house. Dom is riled up though. He doesn't see how this is helping Malika. Isaac is on his way in.

Callie's client Shai got arrested for indecent exposure for making out with her  girlfriend. To get her out she may need her parents to vouch for her. But they don't know she's queer. Kathleen wants Callie to convince Shai to tell her parents anyway.

Malika befriends Yvonne, Candace, and Brooke. She's upset and crying in hold up. Malika asks Callie to help her. She's a single mother and they keep changing her appear dates at rhe last minute so without childcare she misses them and if she misses her job and gets fired they'll take her kids. Callie takes the case.

Davia does well.

Kathleen gets her client released on her own recognizance and implied that Shai's father was there to vouch for her but he wasn't and it was a ruse. 

   Mariana and Gael are verbally berated when they show up at the court by white supremacists groups who tell them to go back to Mexico. The groups are still using the app to organize counter protests.

Whenever they shut down the accounts more pop up and the team needs resources. 

The crowd funding worked and Malika's bail is made. But they still want to sit in until they drop the charges. 

Callie charms the judge and Yvonne gets a smaller bail that is paid for when Malika asks the BLM lawyer to use the bail raised to get the other women who need it more out. 

   The protesting escalates because of white supremacists but the cops only focus on the peaceful BLM protesters. All of this rattles Mariana. 

Alice and the others show up to support Malika. They encourage her to do her stand-up at the protest. 

Evan won't shut down the site because they're apolitical.  

   Dyonte and Gael make a video that goes viral and they got the DA to drop the charges.

Alice's routine was livestreamed so Alice got in.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

I get it. It's harder to be an ally when you've got something to lose.


It's always the right time to look like a boss bitch.
