Sisters Reunited Again? - Gossip Girl (2021)
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Julien is struggling to find out the truth about the story from Roger.

She sets out on a mission for answers and asks her friends to get her it.

The account leaks a story about Davis being accused of assault, thanks to Kate.

Julien goes to her father and he denies it.

The world starts to turn on him and she is fiercelessly protective.

Zoya and Nick differ on their views.

Zoya leaks that Davis has a secret apartment that could have been used.

Julien pulls Zoya aside at his concert and says she needs him. They go on a mission to find a cell phone with vital intel on what happened.

They find that Riley text him and said she couldn't remember the night before.

Julien confronts him and he denies it, but she then lists similar messages from other women.

He says he can explain, but she leaves before he gets the chance.

Kate is thrown off the account because everyone believes she is too deeply associated with it.

This causes an issue for Jordan,but he secretly tries to hide what is happening.

Obie sends his parents tax returns to Gossip Girl and it doesn't use it.

He is annoyed.

Gossip Girl (2021)
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