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Ingrid and Javi tell Santiago and Gigi that Ingrid is the mother of his child.

Gigi and Santiago lecture Javi.

Malcolm has lung cancer.

Santiago got the money to pay the blackmailer.

Santiago wants Alicia to release a memo as a reminder about the policy against employees dating.

Danny follows Mateo.

Mateo confronts Danny about their boxing incident, telling him he owes him one.

Yoli and Marisa are sneaking around.

Danny ends things with Alicia.

Santiago and Gigi go to Mrs. P and Mateo for advice about Ingrid.

Marisa's coworker reports Marisa to Alicia.

Gigi and Carolina have lunch with Ingrid. 

Santiago wants Javi to get a paternity test. 

Jason thinks they should sue the hotel to pay for Malcolm's medical bills.

Alicia confronted Marisa and Marisa tells Yoli to make it right.

The blackmailer arranges the money drop but won't let Mateo do it so he involves Danny. 

The blackmailer escapes with the money.

Santiago plans a dinner to get to know Ingrid better.

Yoli goes to Alicia and asks her to drop the investigation into Marisa.

Mateo had a tracker in the money bag. 

Nelson is the blackmailer. 

Yoli comes clean to Alicia about her relationship with Marisa and begs Alicia not to tell anyone.

Santiago requests Ingrid do a DNA test and sign a statement saying their relationship was consensual.

Alicia, Gigi and Javi stand up for Ingrid.

Javi and Ingrid sleep together.

Mateo confronts Nelson.

Nelson knows Mateo isn't responsible for Sky's disappearance but knows who is.

Nelson gets hit by a truck.

Alicia drops the investigation into Marisa.

Mrs. P agrees with Jason that they should sue. 

Alicia tries to restart things with Danny and he turns her down. 

Santiago decides to be supportive of Javi and gives Ingrid an apartment to live in rent free.

Carolina tells Gigi that she thought Mateo and Ingrid had a relationship. 

Yoli reveals to Marisa that she isn't her first girlfriend. 

Yoli was dating Sky.

Mateo kills Nelson. 

Grand Hotel
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Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

It's me okay? I'm having his baby. Also, you're out of dish soap.


Javi: I mean, did you have to wear the uniform.
Ingrid: Yes, because I'm working a double shift because I'm late on my rent 'cause your dad won't help us with the money because you won't tell him who I am.
Javi: Ok. Alright, little guy cover your ears unless you want to learn how to curse in Spanish.