Buying On the North Side - Lovecraft Country
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Leti shows Ruby the old, decrepit Victorian that she bought. Leti plans to convert it into a boardinghouse for colored people. She convinces Ruby to help her fix it up. Tic is feeling guilty about the story created to cover George's death for Hippolyta. Tic checks in on Leti before going back to Florida. Leti's move-in is interrupted by a group of white men. Tic agrees to stick around. Leti checks out noises in the basement and finds a sub-basement. Leti's housewarming party arrives, angering her white neighbors. Hippolyta drops by with food. Leti uses another partygoer to make Tic jealous. Tic follows her upstairs and they have sex in the bathroom. A cross is set on fire on her lawn. Leti takes a bat to all the cars that had been left honking in front of her house. The police show up and arrest Leti. Captain Lancaster tells her that the house is haunted. Leti admits to Ruby she bought the house with an inheritance from their mother, which angers Ruby. Leti informs Tic about the house's history. Her theory was that Lancaster was supplying its last owner, scientist Hiram Epstein, with Negro test subjects. The souls trapped in Leti's house show up in her photos. Leti tells Tic that she was a virgin before they had sex. They talk about their not processing the events of Ardham. Leti brings in an exorcist. At the same time, white men invade the house. Epstein possesses the exorcist, then Tic. Leti appeals to the spirits of the eight dead Negroes. Together they banish Epstein and the spirits are free to depart. The three white invaders are now dead in the boneyard underneath the house. Leti's inheritance really came from Christina Braithwaite, who offers to teach Tic more about their family history.

Lovecraft Country
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Lovecraft Country Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

We could have used that stranger up in Ardham.

Tic [to Montrose]

Leti: I'm going to turn it into a boardinghouse, make it a safe haven for colored folks in need.
Ruby: Safe? Just last year across town, there was almost a riot because a Negro couple moved into an all-white building.
Leti: There's strength in numbers.