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Magnum wakes up to the dogs growling at him. He calls for Higgins who vacuums around him for crumbs and tells him there's a package for him.

The package has 10 grand cash. He uses Higgins' laptop to listen to the client who he says someone is after him and that he was murdered.

Kumu is overseeing Magnum's house's termite removal. Rick shows up and takes Magnum's surf board. He hired the termite people.

The guy was in a car accident 12 hours ago.

Magnum brings Hayes' sister in to tell her he was hired because he thinks he was murdered. She gives information about Larry. They learn that Larry was schizophrenic.

Kumu is having lunch with Dennis, a friend from high school. Dennis asks her out but she turns him down but says she'll think about it.

Higgins and Magnum continue to investigate the case while TC, Rick and Sammy check out the car that was in the accident.

Magnum goes to the medical examiner with questions. Then he and Higgins go to Larry's apartment to investigate.

Higgins finds an open laptop with a video of Magnum on it from when he was a POW.

The medical examiner calls Magnum and tells him Larry was dead before his car went off the road.

Kumu tells Rick that Dennis asked her out. He convinces her to go on the date.

Higgins and Magnum go  back to Larry's place and someone's there. There's a chase. The bad guy gets away.

Katsumoto is on the case and he's not happy with Magnum keeping things from him.

Kumu goes to Dennis' house and his wife answered after he told her that they were divorced.

A gang of guys show up at the place where Magnum has the guy who poisoned Larry. He texts Rick and TC for help.

They distract one of the guys to get away but they're found and a shootout ensues.

TC and Rick show up. So does Katsumoto.

They found a gun hidden in the wall for a couple of unsolved murders.

Kumu tells Rick and the others than Dennis was married. They want to beat him up, but Kumu says no. Katsumoto is there too and busts Magnum for pretending to be a lieutenant.





Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

And for God's sake. Put some trousers on.


Higgins: The one thing I can't figure out is why Mr. Hayes hired you to investigate his murder in the first place.
Magnum: 'Cause I'm good.
Higgins: Debatable.