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Shammy asks Magnum and Higgins to locate his friend, a homeless veteran nicknamed Dart, who is missing. T.C. suggests that Cade go back to school. Cade would rather get his G.E.D. and continue working full time. He refuses to go back. Magnum hasn't seen Lia since she went back to work. Thomas and Juliet visit Dart's tent but there's a tent sitter inside, Cam. Cam tells them a man in a Jaguar tried to abduct Dart the previous week. Katsumoto tells T.C. he has to get Cade back into the foster system within 48 hours. A wedding ring Magnum finds leads to Dart's wife, Lucy. Her boyfriend Martin drives a gold Jag. Lucy says that Karl, aka Dart, suffers from PTSD. Martin gave Dart a prepaid debit card. Another man took the card from Dart who was dead. Dart was a victim of a hit-and-run. Shammy identifies his body. His case got assigned to Lia. Juliet leaves Thomas with Lia. They talk in an interrogation room. She apologizes for lying to him about her family. Cade refuses to go back to foster care, where his drunk foster dad beat him. A mystery woman stopped by HPD seeking Karl's death certificate. Rick suggests T.C. become Cade's foster dad. There was a $3 million life insurance policy on Dart. Higgins and Magnum find the man who issued the policy dead supposedly by suicide. Lia matches a fingerprint on a bullet from the gun to Jill Picone, who works at the homeless encampment. She and the insurance man had been pulling off the scam for years. T.C. tracks down Cade at a skate park. T.C. offers to become his foster dad and Cade agrees. Juliet signs Robin's Nest back to Robin. Rick shows off Suzy's ultrasound. Lia and Thomas decide to take a break. 

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Magnum P.I. Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Shammy: I know what it's like to be in a dark place. I'm guessing you do too.
Magnum: Yeah, we've all been there.

I guess when I need some dad advice, I'll come to you from now on.

Rick [to T.C.]