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An anonymous client attempts to hire Magnum and Higgins by mail to investigate if Jack Hill committed a murder. They debate whether to take the case and how they should approach it. Katsumoto reassures his son Dennis that they will be all right regardless of how his reinstatement hearing goes that afternoon. Hill was formerly a cop. So Juliet opts to try to determine the client while Thomas goes to break into Hill's home. From the DNA on the envelope, Higgins figures out that their client is Dr. Sally Cates, who was part of the team that removed Hill's appendix. They confront her at work. Under anesthesia, Hill said, "They'll never find her body." They visit Gordie to learn about Hill. He says Hill fell apart after his wife died. Thomas and Juliet find the escort  Amber, who files a complaint against Hill. Hill used her to recreate experiences with his dead wife until she cut her hair. Then he replaced her with Jenny Davis. Dennis shows up to support his father. Katsumoto ditches his speech and talks from the heart at the hearing. Magnum and Higgins convince Childs to pick up the HIll case. Rick determines that he's in limbo, which is why he's obsessed with Thomas and Juliet. They got together and maybe his family can too. Childs interrogates Hill, who denies knowing Jenny. Hill has a peanut allergy and he kills himself with a candy bar. Magnum wonders why, if Hill has a peanut allergy, he had a cupboard full of peanut butter. Thomas finds a hidden room behind a bookcase and Juliet locates the key to its lock. Jenny is alive inside. Gordie gets reinstated and they all celebrate at La Mariana. Magnum admits to Rick and T.C. that he and Higgins are a couple. 

Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Juliet: Do you think he was acting a little bit weird?
Thomas: It's Rick. He's on-brand.

Higgins: I could get used to this.
Magnum: Are you talking about me or the coffee?
Higgins: Your coffee, obviously.