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Higgins and Magnum get into a quarrel because she's worried now that they've discovered that the mercs after Thomas, Rick, and T.C. are funded by the CIA. A text from Childs breaks up that argument. After questioning Lewis Peel, Childs wants to know everything about the hit squad that's pursuing them. He threatens to arrest Magnum for obstruction unless he spills everything and Thomas agrees to do so. Josie, Higgins' new client, doesn't believe her boyfriend, Otis, would commit suicide. Katsumoto and Dennis are on the mainland checking out colleges. In a text to a friend, Otis indicated something shady was going on at the hospital. Higgins makes plans to go in undercover as a new psychiatrist. She gets injured trying to calm a violent patient. A patient tells Juliet she saw Otis sneaking into the med room. A racist bar patron attacks Gordie and soon regrets it. He and Dennis are rattled afterward. Otis had visited a psychiatrist days before his death. Dr. Anton Weiss says that Otis asked about a disorder because he was concerned about how a patient, Steven Li, was being treated. Otis's report on his interaction with Li was changed the day after he died. Derek, Li's business partner, lies to Thomas. Nurse Tanaka injects Higgins after Juliet breaks into the med room to retrieve Otis's original report. She wakes up strapped to a bed. Tanaka decides to set a trap for Magnum and gives Higgins a bigger dose. The M.E. reclassifies Otis's death as a murder. Magnum slips into the restricted area of the hospital. He breaks in to save Juliet just before Tanaka injects her again. She admits to Thomas that she got angry because she's afraid of losing him. Childs hits a tripwire at the mercs' hideout and there's an explosion. T.C. gets shot.

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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

T.C.: What's wrong? I thought you'd be jazzed to move out of Casa de Higgins and into a place on your own.
Rick: I am. I guess I was just hoping that, instead of moving onto a houseboat, I'd be moving into a house house with Suzy and Joy.

Higgins: How did we get here?
Magnum: Well, we had a shiny red sports car. I pressed on the thing that makes it go.