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A four-month time jump finds Ben still trying to solve the mystery of the Callings. He believes there may be some logic to Adrian's theory of "false prophets" and the 3 looming shadows Cal has been seeing, but Mic doesn't buy it. 

However, she begins to think there might be more to his theory when she stumbles upon a smash-and-grab and the Calling tells her to let the thief go.

She listens, but doesn't feel good about it especially after she finds out he didn't just steal a candy bar, he stole cold medicine, which is used for making drugs.

She brings it up to Jared at the precinct, who offers to help her chase down the lead.

They eventually track down the kid who informs athem of a drag-and-drop operation. The bus is the drop-off, which allows them to pinpoint the man in charge. 

Once they confront the ringleader, Chase Baylor, in the house, Mic hears the voice again urging her to "let him go," but this time, she refuses. 

"You know there will be hell to pay pretty lady," Chase tells her and warns of holy vengeance and that "this is bigger than both of us."

Mic doesn't really know what any of that means. Later, we see the three men that she and Jared arrested, Chase included, are the three looming figures that Cal sees in the nighttime. 

Zeke is dealing with the frostbite that's accelarting as his death date gets closer and closer. 

He's attending an AA meeting because it's the anniversary of his sister's death and he admits it's not getting easier. 

The meeting leader suggest he get some closure, but Zeke's not sure what that means. 

All he knows is that Saanvi's treatments aren't working or helping him. 

TJ and Ben both get a joint Calling that feels urgent. TJ sees a mosaic Phoenix while Ben sees a subway train. Using Google, they find the subway line and realize a man is about to commit suicide. 

They find his little music box with a lullaby playing inside that Ben and Grace recognize as the lullaby Cal's been singing to baby Eden, though he doesn't recall it. Zeke recognizes the lullaby as the one his father sang him when he was a boy. 

Turns out, the man they saved was Zeke's father, who abandoned the family following his sister's death. The two have a heart-to-heart and shortly after, Zeke deduces that he's gotten all the closure he needs and is ready to move on. 

This doesn't sit well with Mic who isn't ready to let him go. 

During her stake-out with Jared, Mic informs him of Zeke's condition and simultaneously, of her own death date, and Jared is puzzled, to say the least. 

At home, Zeke plops down on one knee and proposes to Mic, who doesn't hesitate and immediately says "yes."

Saanvi arrives at the hospital and realizes her card isn't working. Two security guards come up behind her an escort her off the property as her "hospital privileges have been revoked."

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Manifest Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

You must really be desperate for answers. A science guy looking for answers in the bible.


You must really be desperate for answers. A science guy looking for answers in the bible.
